

Growing up, I always thought I'd marry a boy from Utah.

I'd tell my roommates & mission companions, "I wonder what my husband is doing right now." Little did I know, he was an Oklahoma boy who grew up playing basketball with his family, making lots of Brown-Bean family productions, and someone I cheered on at USU before I even knew him.

We're onto the next leg in this whole Pre-NBA Draft process. Justin's finished his training in Chicago & we're so grateful for all of the trainers & coaches who helped us there. Now he's flying back and forth to do team workouts and we're getting more and more anxious for June 23.

I know I won't remember all of the different places Justin has worked out, so for my memory here's a list of our prospective teams: Atlanta Hawks, Golden State Warriors, Boston Celtics, Minnesota Timberwolves, Toronto Raptors, Washington Wizards, Memphis Grizzlies, Charlotte Hornets, Sacramento Kings, Milwaukee Bucks, and Cleveland Cavaliers... for now!

Here's an article Deseret News did on Justin's Draft prep.

During all of these workouts, we get to call Oklahoma our home base for a little bit & it's been great to be with family.

Timing is everything & we got to be here when Jourdon & Jacquelyn were visiting from Boston! The whole family was together for a few days & it was so much fun.

We had a Bean Girls Day! It was so fun to laugh & talk & reconnect with some of my favorite people. These ladies are some of the best mothers & I'm so grateful to be in their family.

We painted some cute ceramics at House of Clay.

Another highlight was the Bean Cousin Camp. The kids were so excited for cousins camp & had a day full of crafts, bubbles, & monster making.

Baby Brooklyn got lots of love & we were so happy we could finally meet her!

My first time visiting OK, I couldn't believe how green everything was. It's so beautiful & I love the humidity. We saw beautiful sunsets & went on some good walks.

My favorite part of the week was Tuesday morning. We got to go to the temple with Erin as she received her endowment. I love the temple! We weren't able to go to the Chicago Temple while living there and it was so nice to feel the peace & strength that comes from worshiping in God's House. We missed Abby & Krista while they watched the kids, but it was so nice to be together with family inside the temple. I'm so grateful for Erin & her example to me. She is thoughtful, kind, selfless, & so full of light. Going to school in Logan with her last year is something I'll never forget.

Baby shoutout to Jourdon & Jacquelyn. Other than our wedding day, we hadn't had the opportunity to get some quality time in with them (they're in Boston doing dental school). We FaceTimed lots but it was so good to have the real deal & be with them in Oklahoma. They're the sweetest parents to Brooklyn & I admire them so much. We miss you guys!!

It was a good, good, day & I'm so grateful that Justin & I are sealed to each other & to our family for forever.

Justin entertained us with some poetry he wrote in 8th grade and we wrapped up a happy week with having everyone together in Oklahoma.