

On September 15, 2018 I took my first college test ever in the Testing Center at USU. It was for a stats class with Emily Clark. We were excited & nervous & didn't feel old enough to be taking a test in college. This picture was taken right after we walked out of the testing center.

Since then, many more tests, quizzes, presentations, and finals have been taken. Today, I submitted my last college paper ever!! When people ask me how I feel about graduating and moving on I tell them I'm happy with where time is at right now. I've felt that way about most milestones in my life. I'm not dying to graduate and leave Logan but I'm also glad that it's time to keep moving forward. Justin and I have talked a lot about what we've accomplished at Utah State and how we've grown as people.

Freshman Claire was so full of excitement & energy & couldn't wait to try every single new thing college had to offer. Sophomore Claire was a returned missionary who roomed with brand new girls in the COVID-19 era. Most classes were online and campus events were modified to be social distance-friendly. Senior Claire got to experience intramurals, sporting events, campus traditions, etc. with her best friends & husband. Each year was so uniquely different but exactly what I needed.

(Junior year got skipped because I was able to graduate early thanks to high school concurrent enrollment classes & Portuguese credits woohoo!)

One of my favorite classes that I took at USU was Collaborative Conflict with Professor Clair Canfield. This class changed my outlook and perspective on life & how I see other people. I cannot recommend it enough. The whole course is based around an acronym that Clair created: VOCAB



Communication Process

Acceptance Work


Throughout the semester I learned how to apply these skills to my current and future relationships. We read The Anatomy of Peace, which I'm currently re-reading. The book discusses resolving a heart of conflict and truly seeing people as people. I loved the course so much and was hired by Clair to be an Undergraduate Teaching Fellow for the following semester. He mentored me throughout the summer & I was able to continue growing & working on my communication. After being mentored, I finished working with Clair by having my own lab of students as a co-UTF.

One of the biggest things I learned during my college years was how to be present. I learned how to be present through seeing people deeply, practicing mindfulness, and listening empathetically. I know that willingness opens doors. If we're ready to listen to someone & be present for them, that opportunity will come. Clair does amazing work & teaches a summer course for non-USU students!

So there's that. No more assignments, late work, extra credit, or finals. Just graduation!