
Chi-Town + Courtlyn

The sun came out & I think it's here to stay! This week has been super hot & humid but I'm not complaining. The weather warmed up just in time to welcome some visitors to Chicago. After graduation, Justin stayed in Utah for a couple of days before flying to Oakland for a basketball workout. While he was in California, Dad & Courtlyn came out to visit for a little bit! It was so fun to host and show them around the city.

They had been planning on coming to Chicago last year for a work meeting. That meeting got rescheduled for this year but then got relocated to Michigan. Courtlyn still wanted to visit Chicago & it all worked out because Justin & I happened to be living here right during that work meeting window.

The past few days have been BEAUTIFUL. All of the tulips & flowers opening up and I am in heaven. Every street has its own pretty flower boxes.

We all went to church on Sunday then walked around for the rest of the day. Our legs were feeling it & my watch clocked over 6 miles by the time we got home that evening.

We went to Trump Tower & up to the first terrace balcony just outside of the restaurant. Courtlyn asked if any Democrats stayed at the hotel... Ha!

We showed Courtlyn the Sears Tower & she was brave enough to do a handstand on The Ledge.

Still a weird feeling to look all the way down!

We had to say bye to Dad so he could get to his meeting in Michigan. It was so fun to have him here! My Dad is one of the best listeners I know. He has so much patience & kindness and I'm so grateful for him.

From there on out it was just us city girls. We packed it all in before Courtlyn headed home to get ready for her own graduation!

Justin came home & we got to have breakfast with him before he headed to his workouts.

We did the river tour & it was amazing. The water is so pretty & I'm still in awe at the history behind it all. Chicago loves its river & architecture. There were people from all over the country and world on our tour. We met a couple from the UK and a family from France.

Wells Street! Where we live now. Our tour guide told us the next morning the city would be raising all of the bridges for a few minutes, something they rarely do. Then right after that, one of the bridges behind us started to lift!

We've seen the city from a lot of different angles but this was one of my favorites. The ferris wheel at Navy Pier.

One of our food recommendations came from my friend, Brynn. Brynn served her mission in New Zealand & loved this South African restaurant called Nando's. When she came to Chicago a few months ago, she ran into Nando's & told us we had to try it! It was such a cute, fun eatery. The smells, food, music, and colors all communicated South African culture.

One of the happiest highlights was our bike ride. I love riding bikes!! We went to the Shedd Aquarium and then rode Lyft bikes from the aquarium along Lakeshore Drive all the way to the other end of the city. It was so happy to ride along the city and Lake Michigan. The pier had boats docked up on both sides, people were out at the beach, and the wind made it 10x harder to bike back to the pier on the way home.

Such a fun few days. I love you Courtlyn! Come back soon so we can buy flowers from Trader Joe's <3