
Gratitude and a Good Day

There's a lot I love about this quote. I love that Elder Uchtdorf talks about being in pursuit of worthy goals. I love that he talks about the beauty & sweetness of everyday moments. I love the thought of developing gratitude by 'daily threads'. And I love that this was posted on my Instagram feed last Friday.

Last week was such a good, yet hard week. In Chicago, Justin and I have been able to make new friends, eat good food, and explore a city we now love. Justin's also had the opportunity to develop as a basketball player through daily workouts, practices, etc. This also includes traveling to different NBA teams to showcase his talent & introduce himself through interviews. Last week he traveled to three different teams (!!). He's amazing & I am so, so proud of him. He worked out on Monday, flew to Chicago on Tuesday. Left Wednesday to prepare for another workout on Thursday. Then Thursday after his second workout, he was in the car headed to the airport to come back home to Chicago when plans changed and instead he flew to yet another city for his third workout. I finally got to have him home Friday night after not seeing him for basically one week.

Each of these workouts are such a blessing in the direction where we want to go, but I hate being apart!! I'm learning how to handle expectations & unexpected plans. While it's been a challenge it's also been so rewarding. Every unexpected plan in my life and now in our lives together has been for the best. I know that's because we're close to God. He loves His children & He will bless us when we strive to stay close to Him.

I'm so grateful for a Heavenly Father who loves us and wants us to be happy. No matter how hard the day, week, or period of time is, the good days make it worth it. I've found the good through prayer, reading the scriptures, and smiling. Not smiling to pretend I'm okay when I don't feel okay. Intentional smiling at others, sharing the love of Jesus Christ with them.

Here were a few tender quotes that really spoke to me this week during my scripture studies.

"Repentance is God's ever-accessible gift that allows and enables us to go from failure to failure without any loss of enthusiasm. Repentance isn't His backup plan in the event that we might fail. Repentance is His plan, knowing that we will. This is the gospel of repentance, a lifetime curriculum.

He discusses in the talk that it's not about going from failure to failure, but growing from failure to failure - & not losing enthusiasm!"

"All of us face boisterous winds that can shake our faith and cause us to sink. When this happens, please remember that Heavenly Father's plan of happiness has another name - the plan of redemption.

The plan was not for us to glide easily through life, never stumbling, never sinking, with a smile always on our face. Heavenly Father knew that we would need to be redeemed."

Last week I attended a Book of Mormon class with the ward missionaries and some friends they are teaching. We were discussing trials & stressful times in our life. One of the brothers shared his testimony from personal experience that, if the situation hasn't worked itself out yet, it isn't over. That principle is so true! I know that all situations will eventually work themselves out for the best when we are trying to follow the commandments & stay close to the Holy Ghost. I still get stressed and I'm still working on living it every day, but I know it.

So back to our week...

Justin finally came home & it was the best to have the weekend to ourselves to reconnect & just be together. I love him!! I'm amazed at how he handles all situations thrown at him. I've never heard Justin complain about the uncertainty. He just loves & trusts in God through it all and I'm so grateful for that.

We went to Art on the Mart. The Mart is a huge building on the riverfront that had it's own zip code at one time - it's huge! Every night during the summer they have a big light show projected onto the building. It was so cool.

We took advantage of the sun on Saturday. We went to a cute zoo at Lincoln Park and walked along the beach at the lake. Bet you can't guess where Justin worked out the day before :')

Everything is in blossom with the warmer weather & it has been so beautiful. Justin blends right in with the grass.

Found some tennis courts for Mom on a bike ride.

I've been having lots of mixed feelings about leaving Chicago next week! It's been a fun month full of good memories & good growth.

We have loved living so close to the river and found ourselves back on it, only this time in a kayak! It was one of the funnest things we've done here! Our tour began in the evening and we were out on the lake as the sun set behind the skyscrapers.

Our guide "baptized" us, leading us under the post of a bridge through a short tunnel. Below you can see the small opening we went through. We got momentum paddling then ducked into the kayak as we went under the bridge.

This pretty red brick building is where our agency's office is. Hi, Ross!

The sun continued to set as we were on the water, changing the color of the river and buildings.

Just like that, the sun was gone! We walked home, so happy & grateful for a good day of being together. <3

& a cute, little picture because one year ago this week Justin proposed!