

 The definition of restore is: to bring back or re-establish (a previous right, practice, or situation).

When Mom and Dad visited Berlin last fall, Mom commented a few times about how many people there were in Berlin. And wondered, how many of those people have or ever will hear about Joseph Smith and the message of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Our ward in Berlin is pretty incredible. Last Sunday, I sat by a woman in Relief Society who I had not met before. Alice introduced herself and told me it was her first time at church. She came looking for hope and friends. During the opening prayer I had a strong impression to invite her to dinner that night. 

She and the missionaries came for dinner & now I have a new friend.

This Sunday was fast and testimony meeting. The first Sunday of each month in church, members go without two meals and give what they would have spent on those meals to the poor. Going without food includes fasting. Praying for blessings and giving gratitude to God for what we have. 

The first hour of church is testimony meeting. Any member or visitor may get up and share their testimony of what they believe and their faith in Jesus Christ. 

A Brother Campbell was visiting our ward, and bore a powerful testimony about the Gathering of Israel. Our ward is fruition of this prophecy. We have members from Honduras, Brazil, Germany, Switzerland, the United States, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Bolivia, and more, gathered to worship Jesus Christ in His true church. 

It was amazing to hear that testimony and look around and feel the power that comes from the Gathering of Israel. Our prophet, President Nelson has said it's the most important work happening on the Earth today. To gather all of God's children and give them the opportunity to make covenants with Him and return Home. 

Last night, Justin and I met with Alice and the missionaries again over video call. We were able to share the message of the Restoration with her. 

We testified that Joseph Smith, a 14-year-old boy in 1820 prayed to God to know which church was true. He had a miraculous answer to his prayer. God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ appeared to him telling Joseph to join none of the churches. None of them had the complete truth that Jesus Christ himself organized while he was on the earth. 

Joseph's calling as a prophet was to restore Jesus Christ's church on the earth. Not to start a new church, but to bring back or re-establish what had once been. 

Joseph's own words about this experience state: 

"I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun, which descended gradually until it fell upon me. When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other - This is my Beloved Son. Hear Him!"

I still have those words memorized in Portuguese from when I shared them as a missionary. I know Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God and he brought back Christ's church to the earth through many other miracles. 

I thought of my mom's remark as we were on a Whatsapp video call with Alice. Out of all of the people in the Berlin, at that moment, Alice was hearing the message of the restored gospel. <3