
Pre-Season Paradise

We didn't go anywhere glamorous for our pre-season, but it was paradise because we were together for three weeks of it!! I thought I was pretty good at not taking things for granted, but I've been pondering if I truly appreciated how good the last three weeks have been. 

Justin started his second season with Alba. This year, his schedule allowed him to stay in Berlin for almost one month straight. More than once, I caught myself thinking, I'm so happy. One of the reasons for that happiness comes from belonging. 

Elder D. Todd Christofferson said, "Although we rarely think about it, much of our belonging comes from our service and sacrifices we make for others and for the Lord. Excessive focus on our personal needs or our own comfort can frustrate that sense of belonging." 

Because of where I am now as a mother of a ten-month-old, with my calling in the Church, by saying "yes", and supporting my husband in ways that push me beyond my comfort zone, I have opportunities to serve and sacrifice daily. It helps me to belong. 

I've reminded myself of that principle many times when inconvenience appears. It's not actually inconvenience. It's part of the service and sacrifice experience that leads to the belonging. I'm still learning and processing this concept, and I'm grateful for the chance to do it. 

So back to this Bean Pre-Season Paradise... Here's what it's been all about. <3 

We got to FaceTime some cousins before bedtime and they even read Logan a bedtime story!

These small brass cobblestones are scattered throughout the city. They serve as memorials to the Jews who lost their lives during the Nazi extermination. The cobblestones read: Here lived... followed by the name and birthday of the individual, name of the concentration camp they were taken to, and their death date. The stones are placed in front of the apartment where they may have lived. 

A friend had shown me some earlier in the year. As I was walking to our Mexican market, I came across some.

The door to their apartment.

All of the essentials from our market!! Green salsa for enchiladas, pão de queijo, and Guaraná. 

Logan and I took a walk to the Berlin Wall and read all of the captions at the first section of the memorial.

We made a few house updates to the main room & guest room. Which means we went to IKEA & got some Swedish meatballs too! Logan loved them.

Our bucket list included seeing some new museums. We're not huge museum people, but it wouldn't feel right to not visit some while being so close to some pretty amazing art and artifacts. We went to the Neues Museum and checked out their Egypt exhibits.

Got to go to church FOUR weeks in a row together. It was amazing. Justin was finally able to give his talk, I got to play the organ, accompany a musical number, and have some meetings without my sidekick, Logan.

Took lots of drives around the city & Logan liked getting reacquainted with all of the street hustle and bustle.

Back on my candy kick... How can you not buy stuff like this when it's only $0.80 per bag?!

I also stocked up on pumpkin baby food to make all of my pumpkin treats! Pumpkin chocolate chip muffins coming right up.

We really took advantage of scheduling dinners and game nights with lots of friends before the road games ramp up and those free nights become fewer and fewer. This particular night we got to eat Indian outside in a nice neighborhood. 

Hints of fall coming! Sadly not from the turn of weather, but because it's been such a dry summer. Hoping for more rain and a long fall season!

Justin's first game, like last year, was in Oranianburg. The drive to get there is beautiful. We all went together and cheered him on from the floor. So many helpful hands with Logan and I said lots of prayers that he would keep his headphones on. Thankfully he did for the majority of the game!

This sweet woman comes to every single on of Justin's games. She loves Alba and in my opinion, is their most dedicated fan! She's given Logan countless little gifts and cards. She found us in the parking lot on the way inside and it was so happy to see a familiar face.

Because the Wall divided the city, Berlin has a few duplicate locations - like zoos! We went and checked out Tierpark Zoo. It is massive. The habitats for the animals are large, making for long walks to see everything. 

It's in the middle of a huge park with thousands of trees and was the most peaceful, quiet zoo I've been to!

Got some rounds of card and dice games in.

We made lots of yummy breakfasts and dinners together. This one is a favorite, favorite salad of mine.  

Logan learned to crawl everywhere & knows how to get into all of the things he shouldn't. He's the sweetest though and when we say his name he stops what he's doing, turns around to look at us, flashes a smile, then gets back to work getting into what he shouldn't!

He LOVES his books now and looking at family pictures.

We woke up one morning and the weather decided to cool off and the sun went behind the clouds. Happy because we were able to bring out some new clothes, but sad because summer really is over now in Berlin. 

One of our last nights before Justin left, we were able to get out with some friends and visit some of our favorite food places.

Celebrated President Nelson's 100 birthday & watched his celebration on YouTube. <3 I love our prophet!

& packed in a lot more that wasn't photographed. Lots of good conversations, gelato runs, missionary meals, grocery store trips, outdoor walks, primary songs before bed, ministering interviews, visits, basketball gatherings. The last three weeks have felt like home with my two favorite people.