
A Summer With Courtlyn

I feel like our summer had two parts, one with Courtlyn and one without. Earlier this year she was called to serve in the Ecuador, Guayaquil North Mission! Her departure date was set for the middle of June.

After spending a few weeks in Oklahoma, we drove out to Utah. Justin and I have done that drive twice now, each in one day. It is not one I would recommend but is definitely doable with Chick-fil-A along the way. :')

We had just gotten back from Europe and in Europe, there is no place to use the public restrooms for free. It costs one Euro just about anywhere you try to go. When we did stop at gas stations and restaurants to use the bathroom, I felt guilty going in without paying!

We told my siblings about Baby Bean the night we arrived then had our 12 week appointment the next morning!

Such a miracle that our little 7-week gummy bear baby can grow to look like a real baby in just a few weeks.

I loved being home and going to doctor appointments with my OB, Dr. Thorpe, who's been on this long journey with me. It was fun to see him and have him see our little bean!

Mother's Day! I love my mom. She is one of my best, best friends.

In Relief Society, we all went around sharing a favorite memory/something we've learned from our moms. I shared about my mom's ability to listen. I've spent many nights on our front porch with her talking about things on my mind and heart. She's such a good listener and helps give advice from a place of love and understanding.

Lots of days were spent here during the summer. I LOVE the temple. I know that temples are truly a place where we can connect with heaven. Justin, Mom, Dad, & I got to help clean the temple one night. That was a fun memory, walking around the temple at 11 PM in our scrubs, vacuuming and dusting.

James and Gracie found a studio apartment in Santaquin where they lived for a couple of months before heading to Logan! Before their wedding, we got to spend a couple of nights helping them clean and move everything in. Justin and Andrew were trying out the bed space & making sure it was comfy enough.

The Jensens <3 We hadn't seen Jake and Sara since they came out to Memphis to visit us! They met us at one of our favorite parks in Spanish Fork to catch up and play games while the kids long boarded.

Sooo grateful for this friendship. Sara and I were roommates for a semester before she and Jake were married. Funny thing is, we weren't that close as roommates but are good, good friends now. We love them!! Come to Germany soon :')

Memorial Day. Love these two people so much. I'm so grateful for my Grandpa and Grandma Rowley. The two things they valued most were the Gospel of Jesus Christ and their family. They showed that through and through by word and deed.

Katie and Hailey have been some of my closest friends since elementary school! We've stayed connected and got to see each other a few times over the summer. Hailey's good at planning and we did a mom/daughter lunch one day.

One of the big summer highlights - our family trip to St. George.

I grew up going to St. George a few times a year. I love that place! It's filled with so many good memories & people. This was Justin's second time going, and our first with everyone together. We spent lots of time on the boat and in the pool.

Not too many pictures to account for all of the fun we had. Our last night, we had a mini games tournament and divided into 3 teams to compete in the games that Justin had planned out. They were hilarious and we only got a little competitive with each other. ;)

We had a super late spring this year with lots of moisture. The rain was something that we've prayed for year after year, and this year, there was lots of it. Because of the cooler weather, the blossoms bloomed later than normal, still as beautiful as ever.

Courtlyn only had a few days left before she began online MTC. Mom and Natalie were at girls camp so we had a lunch date at Cubby's, one of our favorites.

While there, we ran into our favorite high school teacher/student council advisor, Julie!! I had a list of people I wanted to see while we were home for the summer and I'm so glad that we were able to run into each other. We LOVE Mrs. Gowans.

We had a yard game night with our Rowley cousins and it was fun to see everyone. Natalie was loving on baby Harper, who we got to meet in Oklahoma, where Daniel & Erika are for law school.

Then came the bittersweet time that had been on our calendars since February. Courtlyn was ready to begin her missionary service and had her farewell talk.

She spoke about her decision to serve a mission and shared her testimony. Missions are incredible. It's a time to dedicate ourselves to Jesus Christ and gather Israel. Missionaries stick to a strict schedule of service and living outside of their comfort zone.

Justin's always been a good example to me of remembering his mission and reflecting on what it taught him. I loved my mission. There were lots of hard times but just as many sweet and tender experiences. I know that God calls us on missions to save the missionary as well. I learned so many lessons and attributes that started out as seeds during my mission. I've continued to water those seeds of experiences and they have become strong points to my testimony of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

Courtlyn has such a sweet spirit and testimony. Those people in Ecuador are sooo lucky!

Before she left for Provo she got to do online MTC at our house. We helped out with the exercise part of her schedule and got some pickle ball in on the courts.

After online MTC was finished, we had a family lunch together, said our last prayer in the living room, and headed to Provo.

Mom whispered in Courtlyn's ear while hugging her, "I know you can do this. I know you can do this." I know that's how God feels about us. He knows we can do whatever hard thing is placed in front of us, as long as we include Jesus Christ too. We can do anything. We can enjoy the phase of life we're in and see it as a gift of what we need to be learning and doing right now.

Alma 26:16 Therefore, let us glory, yea, we will glory in the Lord; yea, we will rejoice, for our joy is full; yea, we will praise our God forever. Behold, who can glory too much in the Lord? Yea, who can say too much of his great power, and of his mercy, and of his long-suffering towards the children of men? Behold, I say unto you, I cannot say the smallest part which I feel.

Courtlyn's mission scripture.

I'm so proud of you, Hermana!! You're doing amazing. xoxoxo