
The Best Off Day

Putting a pause on my "catch up" posts to write about yesterday.

Justin has been working so hard and gets one day off per week. All of his pre-season games are scheduled for Sundays or multiple games over tournament weekends.

Mondays have become the new Saturdays. It's been unusually warm in Berlin for September. Like very hot! No where has AC except for our car but, we are very grateful to Justin's team for delivering a fan to our apartment.

I haven't had many cravings during my pregnancy. Just lots of treats & sugary stuff but I don't think that's related to pregnancy!

However, this week I have been craving water. Before we left for Germany, I swam in Mom & Dad Bean's pool almost every single day we were in Oklahoma. I love the water!!

A few people had recommended different pools and lakes around Berlin. On Monday, Justin's off day, I wanted to test one of those lakes out.

Monday morning, we finished our grocery shopping in just over an hour (even with splitting the list in half for each of us!). We're getting more and more familiar with our grocery store and locating which ingredients and foods we need. Everything is in German! Some things are easier than others to find. I still have to go to a separate store because after two weeks, we still haven't been able to locate syrup or minced garlic haha.

So, AFTER our big grocery run we headed to the lake. & it was beautiful.

Courtlyn Facetimed us on our drive there (we love P-days & Hermana Rowley!!).

The lake is surrounded by forest and we couldn't see it until we checked in at the club house.

Wannsee Beach!

This was the view after the club house. Trees and hiking trails ran everywhere above the lake & we'll be going back for some nice Sunday fall walks once the baby is born.

They had a nice sandy beach and the lake water felt AMAZING. I was so happy to be there. I couldn't stop telling Justin how happy I was. It truly was the best German day I've had so far :')

There were little fish in the water and swans that came up on the beach. Another plus was everyone had a swimsuit on. We heard there are also a few nude beaches around here so thankfully, this wasn't one of them. Ha!

The lake was surrounded by trees and had a boat dock on one side. I can only imagine how pretty it will be once it's fall.

Later that night, Justin's prayer over our dinner included, "We're grateful today was one of the best days of Claire's life."

It really was. I didn't know how much I needed to just be outside with the sun on my face, in a body of water, & explore a new place with Justin.

I love nature. I'm so grateful for a beautiful world that God created to give us variety and joy. I loooove the sun. Trees. Water. People. & animals when they're far away hehe.

We'll be back soon Lake Wannsee!