
Baby Bean

We get to meet our baby Bean so soon! I'm in my third trimester and wondering how much bigger I'll get before he comes.

I've always wanted to be a mom. I never had any doubts that I would have that blessing in my life.

I have a clear memory of where I was sitting and the room around me before I had my laparoscopic surgery in São Paulo, Brazil.

I was sitting in a chair with President Horsley behind me about to give me a priesthood blessing. The words that have stuck with me until today from that blessing are, "It will be as if none of this had ever happened and you will be a mother one day." I wrote those words in my journal after he left before I went in for surgery.

I didn't know exactly what they were going to do or discover in the surgery besides drain a large cyst that had grown and filled with liquid.

I thought that would be the end of that road and that one day, I would be a mother.

The road didn't end there - we're still on it!

I went home two weeks later to the U.S. and had another surgery followed by a diagnosis of stage 4 endometriosis. More doctors, shots, and surgeries followed over the years to preserve my fertility. I have the "on-hold" music from the Utah Valley Women's nurse line memorized.

When Justin and I had been dating for a couple of months we went for a drive towards Sardine Canyon. We were getting more serious and had a conversation about our future. I told him I didn't know what it would look like as far as trying to have a family. He knew a little about my medical history and I explained in depth the possibilities going forward.

There was never a question that he wanted to be together and told me if our family was just the two of us for awhile then that was perfect for him.

Since we've been married, we, along with many friends and family have prayed and fasted for this little baby. There have been more surgeries, appointments, a miscarriage, time on our knees, and priesthood blessings.

I had received many blessings of comfort but asked Justin and his dad to give me a blessing of healing. I can't put into words "what" needed to be healed, but I didn't want to miss an opportunity for a blessing.

A part of that particular blessing stood out to me: Heavenly Father knew all that I had learned from this trial and experience. He wasn't going to take it away because of how it helped me grow and become who I am, but He would continue to lift me.

After that blessing we found out we were pregnant again. <3

We have soooo much love and gratitude for this little baby already. This is a picture from when we told my family after driving from OK to UT. So much joy.

Pregnancy has flown by for me. I'm grateful the nausea and sickness hasn't slowed me down too much. I know this is a blessing and a miracle from God. I'm so excited to watch Justin become a dad and start raising our little family.

We love you, Baby B! Now we just need to think of your name :')

xoxo, Mom