
Future Aggie - Best Day Ever

THE BEST DAY EVER EVER. I didn't realize how much I had missed Logan. We were so excited driving into Cache Valley. We only had four hours before we headed to Bear Lake for a reunion and we took advantage of that time. 

Hit Cafe Rio & Zupas for lunch before heading to the 8th Wonder of the World - Old Main. We also had to stop at the Campus Store to snag Logan a Big Blue stuffed animal. Ran into one of our favorite institute teachers right when we walked into the TSC. <3

It did feel odd to know we were being watched as people recognized Justin. We had nice people stop and say hi while we were out and about but I had forgotten what it was like to be with Justin where he's so well known. It made me appreciate and remember how much I like being where no one knows who we are haha.

Logan, meet Logan. *insert happy crying emoji here

Gotta back up to take it all in. Had a full circle moment bringing our baby to the place where we fell in love!

It was magical being back on campus and in the city. We loved every second of it. Drove up and down streets where we used to live, places we went on dates, where we got gas ;), you get the idea. We love Logan!

& I love Justin <3

We also got to stop and see the Millers with their new addition, Lorraine. We've met so many people we love through basketball and Brock and Bailey go back to the very beginning.

& the Horsleys were in town and let us stop by to introduce them to Logan. They were my mission presidents and wow, Heavenly Father knew I needed them in my life. They're so good at staying connected to their missionaries. 

Then it was back in the car to drive up to Bear Lake. Logan was such a good sport with all of the time we spent in the car. The drive went by fast. We were trying to take in all that we could, remembering each part of the canyon. Love Logan Canyon. 

It really was the best day & we can't wait to get back there next year.