
Bear Lake 2024 - Wagner Reunion!

Thank goodness for pictures and memories because looking back on these photos makes me so happy. After THE BEST day in Logan, we took a drive up our canyon and popped out on top of the mountain with this beauty below us. 

I don't know why we didn't go to Bear Lake more while we were at Utah State. It's beautiful & the cutest lake town!! 

It makes me so happy with what memories I do have tied to it. Family reunions for both Rowleys and Wagners, my first Ambassador retreats, raspberry shake run with Brynn while we had COVID, last ambassador retreat, seeing a Pickleville show with my family. Yep, lots of good memories stored there.  

The Wagners have gathered here a couple of times and next year's reunion is on the calendar! Got to hang out with Whitney that whole week. She reminded me we hadn't seen each other since parting ways in England. What an adventure! Grateful for FaceTime and texting that helps mute the long distance feelings.

I don't think a Wagner Reunion would feel complete without 9 square... & spikeball, nail in the log, lots of card games, and bracelet making supplies. I love my family and I'm grateful everyone makes the effort to gather together each year. Now that we're in Germany, we really only see most of these people once a year. 

Logan was pretty happy hopping from one cousin to the next along with some GG Wag time mixed in.

We got a couple mornings of pickleball in and some walks on the trail.

One of my favorite pictures. How can we be at this stage of life already?! Raising babies and figuring things out as we go. <3 Everett, Wesley, Logan

No pictures from the lake but snagged this one of the UTAH sign on our way back into town. <3 

The best view!! & I know this is the third 9 square picture. We take the game seriously haha. It was constantly in use.

The last night topped off a perfect week with a bike ride to LeBeau's for shakes. The weather couldn't have been better. We had yummy raspberry shakes. Sunburned faces. Family all together. Can't overstate the gratitude for being in that beautiful place with the ones I love. 

We were missing Courtlyn lots but she'll be there next year!!!!!!!

Little bike fixing up when a chain fell off. Glad James was with us or we might have walked the bikes home haha.

Said our goodbyes on the 4th of July and everyone parted ways for Oregon, Boise, and all over Utah.

Love these people!!

The originals :')

Our originals. <3 -1