
Companheiras na Alemanha

I've been blessed to have some pretty amazing friends throughout my life. Examples to me in so many ways who share my same values. One of the places I made these friends was on my mission. 

Lizzie and Madi have been some of my biggest supporters and role models since May 2019, when we met in preparation for Brazil!! We've shared lots of funny memories, refining experiences, and they're like sisters to me.

Days before we came home from Brazil. & yes, I am on my tippy toes haha.

During the "intermission". When we were home March 2020, before Madi and Lizzie were reassigned due to COVID-19.

With our husbands (who we probably thought about every day on the mission ;) !!

You wouldn't believe how excited I was when I found out Madi was coming to see us for a few days.

But first, look at this cute boy in front of these flowers that smelled sooooo good.

Madi (thankfully!!) made it to Berlin after a crazy travel day. 

I swear she's superwoman and the time change hardly seemed to affect her. She jumped right in & I loved watching her meet Logan. <3 

Missionaries and members would confuse us often in the Visitors' Center, calling me Sister Tenney and her Sister Rowley. I loved it! 

We took her to one of our favorite outdoor dinner restaurants & got some fancy German drinks. :') All lemonade is carbonated here and this is where I learned to love it haha.

We forgot Logan's life jacket so the rowboats were off limits... Ha!

Madi also witnessed a pretty big milestone and insisted Logan have his picture taken with his first completed jar of baby food. Lucky boy, snacking on potatoes and carrots!

The blossoms had passed peak blooming time, but there were a few holding on at East Gallery. 

So grateful for seasons and that everything has greened up again! It really is so beautiful. All of our visitors who came in the grey winter months need to come again haha.

Came across a random live concert. Life feels like it's slower paced here. Maybe it's from the tourists sightseeing around. Maybe it's in the Germans blood. Either way, I like the slow pace and love living here now. 

We went to Rausch Schokoladenhaus and saw the Brandenburg Gate 2.0 (made out of chocolate!), along with these yummy pieces. 

Pistachio, Bienenstich, Maracuja, and a crispy crumble something... I can't remember but they were super tasty. 

The only frog you'll ever see me kissing!

Bath time with this little sweetie. He's so big & long. Once he starts crawling, all of those baby rolls are going to fade and I'll be pretty sad. 

Justin was nice to take "Logan duty" so we could run out and do things here without our extra buddy. One of those stops was the Victory Column. One of my favorite parts of Berlin! 285 steps to the top for a pretty beautiful 360 degree view of Tiergarten Park.

It was such a fun week and I'm so grateful for Madi's friendship and that she would come out and visit us.  She's incredibly thoughtful and I just love being around her. 

She also shared the viral cookie croissant reel with us... Perfect treat for a cozy day! Or any day really. Mmmmmm.