

Waaaay back in the summer we were told there might be a window during the season where Justin would have a break. I was planning on coming back to the States regardless of how much time Justin was getting off. His schedule came out and he would have Monday-Thursday off, reporting back to practice Friday afternoon. 

We booked our tickets to Oklahoma and braved three flights with this little one. First time getting his passport stamped. Thankfully, we had his car seat for 1/3 flights. Better than none I guess!

Amsterdam-ATL was our long stretch. We had booked seats with more space but ended up having that flight cancelled and rescheduled, booting us to the back of the plane. Logan slept swaddled up across our laps. I don't know how we did that flight. :') soooo uncomfortable. Bless Justin and his long legs. He was so positive and optimistic when I was not haha.

Last flight, ATL-OKC. Logan was out at take off and didn't wake up until we were at baggage claim.

It was SO nice to be "home" and with our family. This was a big trip for Logan. He had only met his grandparents and all of his aunts, uncles, and cousins were eager to see him. 

& the Browns! Wes and Joni are as close to family as you can get without being related ;)

Maddie had a school play one of the nights we were there. So lucky because the play had been postponed due to a teacher being sick. We've never been around during the school year to be at any sports/extracurricular events for our nieces and nephews so this was special.

Probably Justin's favorite picture. Just a boy and his dog. Logan and Baker were fast friends!

Logan's first time at the OKC Zoo! He sported his animal footie pajamas and came home with a cute stuffed monkey he loves.

Emmy and Logan! Only 2.5 months apart.

Lots of fun cousin time! Love having all of these babies around. We'll have another girl joining the Bean cousin crew in June!

All of the cousins minus our California Brooklyn!

We said bye to Justin this night and he flew back to Berlin early in the morning. I'm so grateful he was able to help us get to the States and enjoy being home even if it was for only 48 hours. He's amazing, I don't know how I got so lucky.

I had to laugh and take a picture of the Walmart produce. I had forgotten how big vegetables could be. Maybe it's just the stores we shop at, but I've never seen produce this big in Berlin.

Justin's Aggie wall was hung up in the game room upstairs! Lots of memories with each of those pictures. 

Logan was in heaven being snuggled up. It was nice for me to have a break too! I love that boy but being able to have time to myself for journaling, working out, playing the piano was so nice.

Then it was our turn to say goodbye. I only brought one suitcase for Logan and I to share. I guess 50 lbs on the dot is a sign of good luck, right?? Logan struggles on the runway because he has to be sitting on my lap. Once the seatbelt sign goes off and we can stand, he does a lot better. Hopefully when he starts to sleep without being swaddled, he'll fall asleep better on planes!

I was super nervous driving to the airport. It was my first time flying alone with Logan. Thankfully, there are good people everywhere. We made it to SLC pretty seamlessly and were greeted by my parents at baggage claim. I wish Logan slept every night like he had just travelled. Didn't wake up once!