
A Berlin Easter Sunday + Birthday

In London, I got a cute birthday banner to use on our birthdays! Everyone needs a birthday banner, right? I whipped mine out a couple of days before March 31, and found out our banner said "Happy Birday" instead of "Happy Birthday". :') 

So sad, two of the letters weren't put into the packaging... I improvised and now we have a Happy Bday banner. 

On March 22, we got to meet up with some of our best Memphis friends at our favorite donut shop! Sean & Kennedy moved to Italy around the same time we got to Germany. Last year, Justin and Sean were teammates for the Hustle and Evie was only a little baby!! Can't believe how fast time goes and that we're both in Europe. I love, love them. We need to plan a trip to Varese ASAP.

Smiley boy!! Logan is seriously the happiest baby (unless it's time to eat). Ha! He will smile for anyone but it gets extra big when Dad is around. He looooves his dad. <3

Our cute, favorite Brazilian family changed wards and we won't get to see them quite as often anymore. Limhi is on his mission in Portugal right now! So grateful for the joy and friendship each of them brought into our lives - including their amazing mother!!

I've bought these every week since Whitney introduced them to me. Mmmmmmm. I love them. Except for yesterday, Justin talked me out of buying them... Because I asked him to... Because I have a goal to not eat candy for one week! Then I'll be back on it haha.

I won't ever get tired of saying it, I love where we live! Cozy, safe, and feels like home. All of the buds and leaves were starting to peek through. Now it's beautiful & green & I couldn't be happier!

BYU sends interns to Berlin each semester and we got to meet Maddy & Hunter a few months ago! Love them so much and can't believe how fast the last three months went! 

Maddy introduced me to "date bark" *chef's kiss* and it is my new favorite snack!! 

Such a nice, good couple & it was so fun having a friend my age here to do things with.

Baby boy got his second round of vaccinations at the pediatrician.

I love cooking and baking. I especially love when our meals have lots of color. This one is a new favorite recipe. The seasonings on the chicken are incredibly yummy. 

I got to accompany a friend for Easter Sunday. Sophia and Logan were pretty interested in helping play the piano while we practiced the song. 

It truly started to feel like spring the end of March. We began having consistent sunny days and the temperature continued creeping higher and higher. Logan and I went for a walk a few streets over from our apartment. 

There are endless side streets and cobblestone roads. I had never walked this route before and it was beautiful. Cute colored buildings and flowers!

Then March 31 arrived. Easter Sunday and 24 years old! The Church has placed an emphasis on Holy Week in the last few years. I loved remembering the Savior's last week before his Atonement, Crucifiction, and Resurrection. It was a sacred week full of studying, remembering, watching favorite videos, and music.

Justin had an afternoon game which couldn't have worked out better. We got to go to church as a family and Justin listened to me play the organ and a musical number. Grateful for the extra help with Logan too!

Classic rushing to church elevator picture, featuring the glaze for my carrot cake!

Some friends invited us over afterwards for a birthday lunch + Easter gathering. I felt so, so loved. Birthday plates were set out, a balloon tied to my chair, and lots of people we love around us. 

This was also the only picture we got of Logan in his cute Easter outfit before his diaper leaked through. :') 

I know that Jesus Christ lives. That He willingly came to Earth and give Himself as a sacrifice for us. Because of Him, death is not the end. We will all be resurrected and live with our families forever, if we choose to keep the commandments and love God. 

Because of Him, we can repent, ask for forgiveness, and change. We can become better and more like our Savior. 

Because of Him, I don't have to worry and fear. I can look unto Him, trusting that it really will work out in the end. 

I know the Gospel of Jesus Christ leads the way to eternal happiness and joy. I see it every day in my own life. I'm so grateful Jesus Christ & these two boys who mean the world to me. It was a happy Easter. 

It was also Daylight Savings (we're a few weeks behind the U.S.) which means more daylight! Logan found his new perfect bedtime of 7:30. He's been sleeping 10 hours straight (hallelujah!!). Kissed our little Easter bunny goodnight and ended the night with some card games. <3