
Days in the Life

Some real life moments I'm grateful I captured during the January/February months! Life really is so good and I'm grateful for the Gospel that helps us feel grounded wherever we are. We're finally adjusted to Berlin and all of the things that come with living here. I can genuinely say I love it! It helps a lot too that Logan is doing so well and we're in a good routine with him.

The sunset!! It's pretty rare to see a sunset where we live in our courtyard (plus the cloudy skies), but I happened to be going to the store at the right moment and caught this on camera.

I love our street! I took a picture from this angle our first night here. Oh how perspectives shift the more you're in one place. We feel a lot more comfortable now than we did that first night.

FaceTime calls to Grandpa while he drives around the farm.

German pancakes, aka Hootnanny, are one of our go-to breakfasts.

One of my FAVORITE juices here. Mmmm

Little dinner helper <3

My midwife Miriam came for the last time! Wow. Thankful to be at the point where Logan and I are healthy enough to not need daily/weekly visits. She helped our family so much.

Homemade pb cups watching our #1 guy play.

The Keetchs! We love this family so much. Got to have dinner with them and Scott presented us with a plethora of beans haha. Our favorite bean in the picture is of course Logan ;)

Elders & Walli


Logan's first car wash! Not sure if it was just this car wash or not but it was soooo long. Like we were in there for a long time haha.

Ingredients for enchiladas, burritos, and all of that good stuff is hard to come by here. Thankfully, Walli told me about this hole-in-the-wall store where we can get our green enchilada sauce and Mexican vanilla!!

Museum Island, about five minutes from our apartment. I was excited to walk around, but the cold wind limited us to about a ten minute walk.

Logan was happy to be back in the car!!

More grocery runs.

This guy was breaking out of his swaddle 3-4x a night. It was sooo frustrating. He had outgrown his swaddles and our Ollie swaddle was back in the States. We finally have it now and he only wakes up 1x per night to eat. Bless him!

Poke bowl Wolt delivery. Yes please!

More yummy juices.

I guess I'm in denial that growing up means Logan can't sleep through all of church any more. This was our first time to the Mother's Room at church during sacrament meeting. We've since had many more trips here.

I was so excited to try this breakfast spot advertising their açaí! It was pretty underwhelming so we'll have to take our açaí business elsewhere. :')

Improvised in the swaddle business but this little velcro one was almost too small when we bought it. I swear by the Ollie swaddle now! He loves it.

JB34 doing what he does best. Go Alba!

Went to a gooood steakhouse for Valentines Day with my two valentines. Probably the best steak I've ever had.

Post-Valentine bath baby.

Cute Maddy! She and her husband are here for a few months with this semester's BYU interns.

My walk to a brunch spot with some ladies in our ward.

Sometimes Logan likes to conduct Relief Society.

And then, on the night of February 18, we snuggled this boy to bed in preparation for our big trip to the U.S.!!