
The Best Is Now

 Justin & I have been planning for the future since we began dating. We're both big planners and love to be prepared. We've thought through all of the possible scenarios of what our first summer married would look like. I would be graduated, he would hopefully be in the Pre-NBA Draft process, and we didn't know what logistics would look like beyond that. When plans finally began to settle, my good college friend Alexa kept asking me, "Are you journaling all of this?!" She asked me that on several occasions but I didn't feel the need to write it down on paper. Once Justin and I knew we would be moving to Chicago for a month, I felt I needed something to keep myself busy. Mom mentioned creating something. Something that was mine to own. When I got to Chicago and Justin picked me up from the airport he simply stated, "You should start a blog." That resonated with me so much and I was so excited, relieved, and ready to document, share, and create something of my own. Right now, I'm so excited for this new chapter of our lives & even more excited that we'll have a way to hold on & remember it.

I had a bracelet in high school that said The best is yet to come. I loved that phrase because to me it meant I was always looking forward with hope and faith in the future. I still love that phrase but I also believe that the best is now. Right now can be the best and filled with just as much hope and faith as the future. Each day is the best with Justin. He takes such good care of me and shares his testimony & love with me every day. The best is now! In the good times & the hard times, there is always something to be grateful & happy for. So welcome to our adventures. I'm excited for what's ahead.