
Where the Sagebrush Grows

 Utah State. I love that place with my whole heart!! When I was a sophomore in high school I got to go to a student council camp up in Logan, UT. Little did I know that camp would change all of my goals and dreams & make me want to be an ambassador for USU more than anything in the world. After going back to that camp two more times in high school, I applied to be an ambassador.

For the last four years, I've lived out my dream at Utah State. The ambassador program has been full of incredible people who have shaped me & my time in Logan in ways I'll forever be grateful for. I met my best friend & first roommate, Alexa through the program. I played on multiple intramural teams with ambassadors (soccer, softball, kickball, pickleball). I went to missionary farewells, service projects, & was introduced to my husband! Justin's cousin Rylan came to school for a year before his mission. We played soccer together & Rylan set us up on our first blind date. Utah State gave me friends who will last a lifetime. I lived in a house after my mission with 9 roommates. More best friends!! I was taught by professors who I know care about me as a person just as much as their student. I've been to the Logan Chick-fil-A more than any other location in the world. Karie Anne's gelato will always be my favorite gelato. Justin took me to my first PetSmart. I've spent hours on the Logan temple grounds connecting with Heavenly Father & seeking guidance for my life.

I was able to be a member of the Stephen R. Covey Leadership Fellows for my last year. With my team, we built up a campus club, taught leadership principles across campus & to high school students in the valley. I led two sessions of strengths-based coaching & I found my own goals and dreams along the way.

God is so good. So grateful to Him for giving me these experiences. Logan & Utah State is a place that will always feel like home.