
Errand Running Buddy

One of my favorite things has been having a little buddy to go everywhere with. <3 Logan loooves his carseat and a quick way to instigate a nap is a ride in the stroller or car. He falls asleep so quick. Not as much now as before (he's growing up!).

I worried about taking him to Kaufland for our weekly grocery run. I usually fill the grocery cart to the brim each week. The carts are pretty small so I didn't know if there would be room for everything we needed plus baby boy's car seat.

We started like this...

and ended like this! I filled up the lower rack beneath the cart with our flour, eggs, milk, etc. Logan was pretty snug and slept through the whole thing like a champ. Some people give us a funny look when they see his carseat. Maybe I've already written this, but only 15% of Berliners have cars so there's not really a huge amount of car seats around the city! Most people put their babies in strollers or prams.

We park in a parking garage that we share with a hotel. To get there we go out of our apartment, into a different apartment building, down the elevator to the garage, and take the ramp around to the car. About a 5 minute trip to get to the car and loaded in. I was talking to Mom today about how nice it is to have a garage attached to your house. Ha!

Another one of our favorite errands... All of the yummy bakeries. Give me a cheese or chocolate croissant any day. Mmmm. This one is right in between my doctor and Logan's pediatrician offices.

Love this sweet, happy, errand runner with my whole heart!!


We Made It

 I've been so happy lately. Not like everything is perfect in our lives happy but a peaceful happy. A peaceful joy. I know a large part of it is due to our perfect little baby who gives us so much purpose and love.

I'm so proud of Justin and I! We were cleaning up dinner last night and Justin said, "Remember when we used to sit out on the balcony and talk about how sad we are and hard this is?"

Those first couple of months were hard. We would sit outside and talk ourselves in circles about the future and all of the unknown outcomes that faced us. We didn't complain but gratitude felt forced at times. We were faking it until we made it. I feel like we're out of that first valley and shock of living in a new country. We've developed friendships, done HARD things together (bringing sweet Logan to this earth!!), jumped into EuroLeague basketball, all while staying close to the Lord.

I'm grateful to feel like I'm at a little peak in this journey. I know we'll keep going and endure things that are coming, but I'm grateful for this present peace.

These two pictures capture my happiness: A sunny day (rare here), flowers from a friend, journaling, remote work, Book of Mormon, Bath & Body candle, milk for my baby. <3

My best friend who I'm sealed to forever and ever with our baby boy.


Polar Bear Plunge 2024!!

Side story: I have a memory of being at the Santaquin library with my mom after the New Year. Maybe 2013?? I remember the librarian telling my mom she doesn't like odd-numbered years. I think of her every New Year and how she's either happy or sad because of the calendar year haha. This year is a happy year!

We have a fun ward. The Smiths invited everyone to their home and Lake Schlachtensee for a polar bear plunge. They also included the need for cheerleaders so Logan and I took that role on and went to support!

I'm jealous of the location of their home. A two minute walk brought us to these steps that lead right down to the lake!! The lake has a three mile walking loop around it so I'll definitely be back in the summer. Maybe do some paddle boarding too?!

I'm not sure who the instigator of the rope swing was but they've had the tradition of swinging/jumping into the lake for a few years! We had about 10 people get in the water and 20 other ward cheerleaders.

Because of the walking path around the lake and the curiosity to see what these crazy Americans were doing, our cheerleading number grew to about 70 people. It was so funny to watch the reactions around us as people swung off the rope into the water. It was 40 degrees that afternoon!

Logan was content napping in his snow suit in the baby carrier.

Love these people!!