
Little Things

Some daily "little things" from our first weeks in Berlin. I would spend the mornings working for the farm and cleaning while Justin was at practice, then in the afternoon we would get out and explore!

We brought baby Bean's clothes and toys that were gifted to us and I loved setting up his nursery!!

These little Nike pajamas were gifted by GG Wagner :')

After one of our many Ikea trips, we stopped at BabyOne, a pretty popular baby store here & left with a carseat!!

There are a couple of malls in Berlin - The Mall of Berlin, and this newer, smaller mall at Potsdamer Platz.

You'll see a lot of food in this post because we got lots of different recommendations from players' families who have lived here before us.

Brammibal's Donuts. YUM. Justin had Wednesday off so this was our breakfast stop.

My favorite is the top right - pistachio white chocolate glaze.

Biergartens (beer gardens) are everywhere in Germany. A pretty outdoor venue where they serve... beer & other food/drinks :)

Justin's team as well as the women's team had a big season opening social at this particular biergarten.

Soooo much diversity in cultures and food here in Berlin. We've had lots of good Indian, Vietnamese, and Chinese food. We thought we'd take our shot at Mexican food one night... It was no Mi Rancherito but it was pretty good.
Another restaurant recommended to us was Cafe am Neuen See. This restaurant has its own biergarten and lake to rent row boats. It had such a warm environment and the weather was BEAUTIFUL.

Me, sporting Grandpa Wagner's shirt he gave me a few years ago and my Old Navy linen pants that have acted as my only pants these last few months of my pregnancy. :')

Our cute Alba car. We've both gotten a lot better at parallel parking as that's the only parking here!

Crazy that these monuments are our daily views as we drive around town and run our errands.

During Justin's first road trip, I got my 15 minute walk in and discovered this cemetery close to our apartment.

Spaghetti Eis!! I followed a lady from our Berlin ward on Instagram before we got here and she had posted about this dessert - spaghetti eis. It's all gelato with a natural strawberry sauce and white chocolate shavings. It was SO GOOD.

One of my favorite parts of living here is all of the little gelato shops around town. Almost every street has one and they're all amazing.

Super excited about our rug purchase from Ikea. Makes this space waaay more cozy!

& sometimes you just miss home and crave a Five Guys milkshake with Oreos, Reeses, and bacon (Justin's order!).