
Journal 9/24/23

On Monday, we left Oklahoma and right before boarding our plane I got emotional. We were leaving home and didn’t know the next time we would be back. We had gone to the temple the week before and Justin had the impression “I’m ready”. There was nothing else we could do to prepare except for just go! Today is Saturday. Honestly the days have gone by so fast.

Miracles since Monday.

Guitar! We wanted to bring our guitar but since it was our 5th big item and the last plane ride company (KLM) wouldn’t let us use it as a carry on, we were going to have to check it for $285 and pray it didn’t break or get lost. The nice gate agent in OK checked our 5 bags for free. A miracle.

When we got to Germany all of our bags came out, someone gave us a Euro to help us get some carts, and all of our bags + guitar made it.

Madlen picked us up from the airport and we took the 40 minute drive through our new country to our new home. We were told that two days earlier we had been on the 6th floor of our apartment but that was too hot for children and a family. They had moved us to the 2nd floor and were still getting everything ready. It’s a 3 bedroom apt with 2 bathrooms! Another miracle and blessing. We thought it would be 2 bedroom 1 bathroom.

The next few days were full of restless sleep since we slept on someone else’s fitted sheet with a mattress protector as our blanket, and no fan! I was only sleeping 3-4 hours/night. Last night, Maik, the team’s guy who takes care of everything related to housing, brought us a fan, bedding, microwave, iron, etc. etc. I slept soooo well. I’m so grateful.

We have a balcony!! Something else I'm super grateful for. A place to just walk outside and enjoy being outside.

Justin and I have been to the grocery store 3 times. Ikea once to buy some cute decor, & we get to go on a boat tour of the city today.

Laina. Laina lives upstairs and plays for the women’s team. We ran into her our first night while waiting for our food delivery (at the wrong place outside our apt gate haha). She’s been so nice and has helped answer lots of questions.

Dana. On the airplane to Berlin, I got an email with a contact for a midwife. Dana is the GM’s partner’s girlfriend. I emailed her and she set up an appt with Justin and I our second day here to answer any questions. She’s amazing. So kind, compassionate, and willing to take us on even though she’s booked. We met her at the Martin Luther Hospital in East Germany in her office. She walked us through the pregnancy process in Germany. She will be my midwife and will be there for the birth. Then she helped set up my OB appointment which will happen in just over one week with Alexandra.

Another miracle. I’m all registered at the hospital and now we just need to get our baby nursery put together <3. & pick out a name!

We really have 0 names haha. Who will this baby be!

The first nights were hard. That’s when it hit me how far away from our families we really are. Two nights ago, we wanted to watch something so we turned on American Underdog. The first time I saw that movie was in theaters in Logan when Justin and I were trying to decide if we should keep doing basketball or not. Too relatable haha.

After 20 minutes of watching this time around we turned it off. Even more relatable than before and hard to watch. We talked about what we’ve been able to do in the last two years and what we hope for this year. We’re so excited to go to church tomorrow and meet our ward!!

It is an English ward and I’ve already been added to lots of WhatsApp groups with ladies from the RS. Walking groups, lunch groups, & lots of advice on how to adjust and answers to questions. So excited to be in church. <3

We’re doing this! It feel more like home each day & more comfortable. Now I need to start practicing my German. I’m going to do that today since the apartment is almost all clean.

So grateful for prayer. I’ve said a lot of prayers + listened to conference and BYU Vocal Point. :’) I know Heavenly Father is aware. I’ve gotten lots of phone calls and nice texts from friends and family too. This is going to be a great year. Once we start interacting more with our ward & bball, I know we’ll continue to find our purpose for being here.

Xoxo, Claire