
Church History & a Tour with David

We met David our first Sunday at church. He introduced himself and told us a little bit about his profession and knowledge about church history & history of Berlin in general. He offered to give us a little tour and we accepted.

David also mentioned when general authorities from the Church come to visit Berlin, he is the one who gives them the tour of the city.

Little did we know we were in for a similar tour. We were picked up in a fancy van with tinted windows and recliner cushioned seats. Our driver took us around the city while David explained German and Berlin history to us using a presentation he had prepared.

Our first stop was a jail that is still open and houses inmates. Hitler filled these cells with many Jews and build execution chambers for those who opposed him.

One of those chambers has been turned into a memorial honoring those who spoke out against the government and shared the victim's stories.

Helmuth Hübener was a member of the Church in Hamburg, Germany. He was the youngest person of the German resistance to Nazism executed by order of the Special People’s Court (Volksgerichtshof) in Berlin (age 17).

Inside the memorial, we read his story of courage and what he did because of what he believed was right in his heart. It was a very solemn and sacred place.

David then took us to the Olympic Stadium. It was AMAZING. We didn't go inside but might have to attend a soccer game in the future so we can experience it from the inside. Hitler's purpose in the architecture was to make everyone feel small and inferior.

I think he definitely achieved that purpose with this incredible stadium.

Behind the stadium is the Olympic Bell Tower. David took us up to the top of the bell tower which gave us an incredible 360 degree view of Berlin.

Concerts are also hosted on the stadium grounds. We found out Imagine Dragons came a few weeks ago. I was so sad we missed it! Then we found out it was on a Sunday and I didn't feel as bad. ;)

We learned more history as we drove around and got to know David. It was so generous of him to take his time to share his knowledge of Berlin with us.

Thank you, David!