
Wrapping Up

We started to say our "see you laters" as we got ready to move to....... TENNESSEE! After deciding the Grizzlies would be a better fit, we switched plans from California and are now in our downtown Memphis apartment.

We were lucky to see so many of our close friends and family this summer. It really was one to remember. All of the Harts gathered in Driggs, ID for Annalea's farewell.

Justin and I got to meet Elva, one of Grandma Hart's good friends and Justin's biggest fan.

I wanted to get together with some close mission friends, Lizzie & Madi. This time though, we brought our husbands! It was fun to live what we had talked about for so long. I love those two & I'm so grateful for their light & friendship.

We got to be there for another family dinner in Holladay, SLC. Many, many good family dinner memories with Grandpa & Grandma Wagner. & the sky was beautiful!!

Every time a girl from São Paulo Oeste gets married, it's like a mini mission reunion! We loved celebrating Nate & Kenzie! So happy we got to see these people a few times this summer.

Andrew has gotten into tennis recently. He and Mom got Justin & I out on the courts one evening. Another pretty sunset.

More family time! We got to have another family dinner - cousins edition a few days before we left Utah. Sooooo many funny memories with Grace & Whitney growing up.

More niece & nephew time!

Justin & I did a youth fireside for my home stake at KoHoLoWo, where I did a few summers of girls camp. Katie, one of my good friends from high school came up to listen & support. I love her!! It was a good, uplifting night and fun to introduce Justin to more people I love.

Courtlyn (& James!) moved up to Logan. I can't wait for them to experience Aggie Life.

Hidden Orchards, our family's orchard wedding venue, opened a few weeks ago and it is beautiful. I'm excited to see how it develops and grows over the coming years.

& that's a wrap!! Our first full summer together spent with lots and lots of people we love. <3