
We Made It

After many speculated conversations of where we would end up, lots of decision making, miles flown & driven, words prayed, and a whole lotta other stuff, we have a home!

We know home is where the heart is. We loved living with family and in hotel rooms but home is also where all of your things are unpacked and you don't have to wear the same outfits for months at a time. Ha!

We made it to Memphis & everything is unboxed and in its rightful place. I hope we get to stay here for awhile because I do not want to pack & move again for awhile...!

We said bye to our family in UT and drove 17 hours (in one day!!) to Oklahoma for our first pit stop. I had never driven that far or long in a car in one sitting. We shuffled through audiobooks, podcasts, playlists, and talked to lots of people. Thanks to everyone who called us!!

The traffic was only bad in Albuquerque, New Mexico because I don't know where the rest of the NM population would live other than there... ;)

After spending a few days in OK, we packed up again and headed to our final destination, Memphis.

The drive was green and beautiful! Memphis is in the very southwest corner of Tennessee. We do our Walmart shopping in Arkansas, live in Tennessee, and Justin plays his G League games in Mississippi.

It was surreal crossing the bridge into Tennessee! Knowing that this was our new home, I just wanted to get out of the car and see everything. I know after weeks and months, we will become familiar with the ins and outs of Memphis and I'm so excited for what we'll create here.

Justin's parents followed us out to help us unpack & settled. We love them!!

Nothing like BBQ to welcome you to Tennessee! Grandpa and Grandma Wagner had told us about this restaurant, Blues City Cafe, they had visited when they were in Memphis.

The next morning, Justin took off to start his workouts & meet everyone. He loves the environment and can't wait for training camp and the season to begin.

While he was gone, we set off to find our church, the Memphis temple, & Target (the three essentials).

Along the way, we met Hallie & Ginny Mayes.

After walking around the temple grounds we were hoping to find someone who could tell us more about the wards in the area. Right when we were walking towards the church building, Ginny walked out. She introduced herself and talked with us about the area and temple and before we knew it she was inviting us to have lunch with her.

She brought us to her restaurant, Fat Larry's, named after her late husband.

We spent a good hour talking with Ginny and her daughter, Hallie. It made my month meeting them & having lunch. They are full of goodness & I felt so uplifted after being with them. It was one of the kindest gestures I've received & I'll never forget our first day in Memphis.

We stopped at our church building where our branch meets each Sunday. We love our branch! Can't wait to get to know everyone better & be a part of that special group.

We broke our apartment in with our first home cooked meal. :') Memphis is great & we're so ready to be involved & experience it!