
Elder Rowley is Home

We've been counting down the months, weeks, and days until James came home from his mission. I left for my mission in May of 2019 and wasn't supposed to be home until after James had left for his mission the following year.

One of the blessings of COVID was that those mission plans changed a bit. I came home in March 2020 & James didn't end up leaving home until August 2020.

James was called to serve in the Panama, Panama City Mission. Because international borders were closed, he was reassigned to the Reno Nevada Mission until he could go to Panama.

Small world story! When Justin and I went on our first date, he told me he had served his own mission in Reno as well. While James was in Reno, Justin and I got many pictures and messages of people who had made the connection that Elder Rowley's brother-in-law had served there a few years earlier. We even got a FaceTime call in the middle of the week from a family of members who are close to Justin & happened to be having James over for dinner that night.

We even had a couple from Reno, come out to Oklahoma to see Justin for our wedding open house who had been with James a few days earlier. We need to plan a road trip so both of those former Elders can visit their mission together.

James served in Reno for 15 months before making it to Panama for his last 9. It was like serving two missions going from one routine, mission president, and country to a different one. He loved both places he got to serve and we're so happy to have him home. Missionaries are the best <3

James' flight didn't get in until 9 PM and we were prepared and ready to wait all day until we could go to the airport.

Turned out we had to wait even longer than expected with some flight delays. He arrived in Salt Lake at 11:13 PM. I have always loved seeing missionaries come home. So much goes into a mission and a missionary. Missionaries leave their families, lifestyles, and all temporal comfort to go and serve God. We submit our desires and will to Him in order to grow and become different people. It's hard and so, so rewarding at the same time, just like a lot of things in life.

We got to talk to James each week through Facebook Messenger. It was a blessing to our family to hear about his mission through his weekly experiences. James is so patient, thoughtful, & loves God. It was so good to welcome him home.
We were missing Natalie, who was at USULC (student council leadership camp) up in Logan!

GG Wag made it, even in the late hours of the night. I love them!

Grandpa Wagner, who had visited Panama, mentioned how pretty their coins are. James whipped some out for us to admire.

The next morning, James was released as a full-time missionary. We all went to the stake center to hear him report to President Wood on his experiences. I loved being there with our family & hearing his testimony.

He will give his homecoming talk this upcoming Sunday in our Santaquin home ward.

Welcome home Elder Rowley!