
2022 NBA Draft

In the Book of Mormon, Alma 37:6 says: By small and simple things are great things brought to pass. I've thought about this verse a lot in the context of Justin's basketball journey. He has so much talent and in addition to it, he's worked hard each day to be where he is today. Inside of that, we've worked together to stay connected & close to the Spirit in all things. & inside of that, I've seen the growth and change that I've made as I process this experience.

We left Logan in April and since then our schedule has been SO fluid and changing. I've learned to plan day to day and not weeks or months out. This is what our summer has looked like so far! While Justin's been traveling to teams, I've been in Chicago and back and forth between Utah and Oklahoma, enjoying every second Justin & I get to be together.

(& this doesn't include his Portsmouth Tournament he had back in April!)

We have been talking about the Draft for so many weeks & months & now it's come and gone! We watched the Draft with Justin's family in Oklahoma. In addition to the Draft, we also celebrated Justin's mom's birthday. It was great to be with family. Their house is almost done being remodeled so we watched the Draft from our lawn chairs in the piano room.

Had to throw in this picture of these cute kids too. We missed them while they're out in Utah for a bit!

Earlier that morning, Ross had called with information regarding teams who were interested in Justin. We went into the Draft knowing that Justin's name would most likely not be called, but hoping for the best. It was fun to see players & staff from our agency on the TV during the event as teams made their selections. After about 4 hours, the 58 picks had been made and we waited for Ross to call.

We didn't have to wait long. Not 3 minutes had passed and Ross told us the interest that the Los Angeles Clippers had in Justin. He would have the opportunity to be on the G League team and fight for a two-way contract. It was a blessing & perfect fit. We gave Ross the green light, received another phone call within minutes from the Clippers, and everything was set in stone.

Go Clippers! We're so excited!! We flew to LA yesterday and get to spend the week meeting everyone while Justin works out in prep for summer league.

A lot of people have asked how we've felt throughout this whole process. Gratitude & faith are two of the words that come to mind. Grateful for this opportunity to take this journey. I can't believe it's happening! We still have many more small and simple steps to take forward, and the results will continue to be great no matter what happens. That's where the faith comes in.

So excited for JB34 & I can't wait to continue watching & supporting him to see where we'll go.



I read a caption on Instagram awhile ago about how life is made up of moments. We're not going to remember everything but we can choose to focus and be present during moments. This week was full of a lot of those good, present moments.

Justin grew up golfing & I've been wanting to start a new hobby. So...

We went to Walmart and got practice balls to hit around the backyard with Justin's clubs.

Each morning, Justin and I headed to a church building to get some basketball time in to keep him sharp for this last week of workouts. Andrew joined us one day and got his own workout in too.

Dr. Thorpe! Surgery went well & I'm grateful to be on the road to recovery.

Mom and I hiked to the lookout a couple of times behind our house. The mountains are SO green & beautiful. I have to remind myself to look up & not down at all of the rocks I might trip on along the trail.

We hike the same trail each time but on our way down a few days ago I noticed this white, heart-shaped rock on top of a boulder along the trail. Mom & I took a closer look to discover that every rock on the boulder was in the shape of a heart.

A very tender, cool gesture that someone did about 1 mile up the trail.

More lake time!! One of James' first requests after getting home was to go boating. This was the first picture our "whole" family had taken since he got home.

Summer evenings in the backyard.

Sibling picture outside of our beloved Mi Rancherito.

Loved studying this talk by Tad R. Callister.

& we'll finish it off with a family photo. Our cousin Laura has been up north doing lots of weddings this summer and we were able to snag her for a quick picture in the orchards.

Love this group & I love those moments we've shared together over the last few days.