
July in OK!

Time is flying. I can't believe I'm writing this from BERLIN! Lots more thoughts coming later on how we're feeling being back for year two. 

For now, here's our cutie moments from the end of July. Being with our families for the summer has been a dream. Especially now having Logan. Our days were full of pool time, pickleball, games, meals and treats made together, restaurants crossed off our bucket list, piano playing, and good conversations scattered between it all. 

Playing chicken foot!

One of the highlights was helping Erin prepare her classroom for her first year as a TEACHER! She had already done the bulk of the work, but we were pretty happy to get to help with some of the finishing touches. 

Logan made himself at home in the lunchbox bin.

The cute details in the background. It already looks so much more different than even this. Especially now with all of the desks & kids there! Erin finished her first full week last Friday. :')

Pictured is a happy boy in his new pajamas! Logan had a couple pairs of 3-6 month pajamas that were suuuper stretchy. He was wearing them up until this day haha. He now wears a 2T or 3T depending on the outfit. 

Little fashion show. No more onesies!! He's looking less like a baby and more like a little boy. <3

Logan's eating has taken huge leaps and bounds. I have two nieces a few months older than Logan. As I've watched them eat pizza, spaghetti, and just about anything, I've realized Logan can too. If it weren't for Abby and Krista, I'd still be feeding him only purees. 

First popsicle from Swig on their $1 day!

We got to go on a temple date to do sealings. <3 Yummy midwestern meal beforehand.

One of the highlights of being home has been having workout buddies! The four of us have been going to different classes as the Y and I'm going to miss that!! I've never been so motivated to lift weights consistently as I am now. Logan's the motivation. I need to be able to hold him without hurting my back. Baby is about 28 lbs now!

We've loved all of the cousin time we've gotten to have together. Carter especially has been loving lots on Logan. Lots of head rubs and "I love you's". 

This movie!! We did a girls time and boys time while taking turns watching the kids. We saw it in the Warren, a huge movie theater that was taken out by a tornado in Oklahoma. 

Got to go to church and listen to Papa and Uncle Shawn give their talks! Braxton was so sweet and held Logan for about 10 minutes. Pretty good chunk of time with this wiggly boy.

My girls!! FaceTime call was long overdue and it was so good to catch up. Everyone is spread out and doing amazing things. Love them love them soooooo much.

Pen pal letter from our California Beans! Thanks Brooklyn & Addie!

Documenting this because I'm so grateful at least one pumpkin thing was available while we were home. :') I love anything pumpkin. One day, when we live in the states in October, I will buy a Pumpkin Pie DQ Blizzard at least once a week.

Freshly bathed cutie pie sweetie baby boy!!!!!!

And Braum's ice cream. Can't forget all of the yummy ice cream that was consumed (almost) every night. Mmmmmmmmmm!