
All Together!! - Bean Family Reunion 2024

Get ready for a big one... 60 pictures to recap the most amazing, full, happy, week with all of the Beans in Oklahoma. I think this was the longest we've all been together since Justin and I were married.

I told Erin last night one thing I'll miss for sure are the summer sunsets! Our enclosed Berlin courtyard doesn't give us any views. We're taking advantage of them as much as we can. Snapped this one on our way out of UT. <3

Sweetie baby was pretty tired and didn't know how to fall asleep in the mix and cram of all of those airplane people. We had lots of floor space which helped but he didn't fall asleep until the plane landed and the pilot hit the brakes/swerved to keep us in our lane on the tarmac. 

Thankfully, he transferred easily into the stroller and car seat. We rolled into the driveway at 1 AM and he was wide awake and all smiles to meet his Aunt Jacquelyn & Uncle Jourdon! #powernap. Grateful for such a happy baby. 

We got to see everyone the next morning at Maddie's baptism! How is she old enough to be baptized??? I swear all of our nieces and nephews made huge growth jumps while we were in Germany. We love them soooooo much.

The "pre-reunion party" took us to an OKC Dodgers game. The stadium reminded me of Memphis! Justin and I would go to minor league games just a few blocks from our apartment. 

It was hot, humid, & perfect! We all got matching hats through Justin's dad's work & a foot-long corndog. Mmmmmm.

We loved meeting our new niece, Addison Hart. <3 Only six weeks old, she was such a trooper traveling from CA to meet her Bean family. She's her sister's twin & is so sweet. 

We made lots of YUMMY treats. Pumpkin cookies, scotcheroos, peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. 

The older cousins do "shows" at the end of day & Logan's been an eager watcher. One day he'll be up there dancing and singing.


Monday, we got some one-on-one time with Jourdon and Jacquelyn before the official reunion started. We did some swimming, fishing, MoBettah's, Alfredo's, hot tub, and talk talk talked. I love them and hope we live by them one day. :')

Alfredo's! We go there for the sopaipillas ;)

This little guy had an allergic reaction to peanut butter. :( two tiny licks led to a rash break out. This was an hour after the worst of it. <3

Then it was REUNION TIME! We had an official spreadsheet calendar, meal schedule, nightly devotionals, and everyone was together. :) Logan was in heaven with all of his cousins and it was so happy seeing them all interact.



One of my favorite parts was our girl time. I am SO blessed with the best sisters and mother in-law. Amazing women who I look up to a lot. We all mesh so well together and love learning from one another. I've gotten lots of of shared recipes, craft ideas, and advice from these ladies.

Literally last week I asked Justin if they had Menchie's in OK and he didn't think so. Had to stop when we passed this after our escape room!! 

The Browns stopped by to say hi. They're the closest things to family you can get without actually being related. Logan loooooves Joni and Wes. Some of the nicest people ever. I feel so lucky to know them & we love hanging out together while we're here.

Temple walk at the Oklahoma City Temple. Fountain splash marks on the pavement indicate some excited kids. Ha! 

Cute, cute cousins. Can't believe there are NINE of them.

Logan went from this...

To this in a matter of minutes. 


Cousin Camp!! I think the adults were anticipating this day just as much as the kids. ;) Lots of prep and creativity went into Cousin Camp & it all stemmed from Erin! We had a cute video outlining the day's schedule, matching t-shirts, and a never ending chant of "cousin camp, cousin camp!" It was the best day. <3

Impromptu dance party!

Jourdon & Jacquelyn's nature walk:

Cutest adventurers!!

Shawn & Krista's kid olympics:

Story time & tacos with Mema & Papa:

Justin & Claire's sponge battleship:

Ty & Abby's bubbles:

& then straight to the pool!! 

The day ended with a movie and sleepover for the kids & some Happy Salmon and Gestures for the adults. 


Sibling breakfast :') Blessed with the BEST of the best. Each of these people are so selfless, loving, and look for ways to build each other up. 

More bracelets! We had a cute clay bead set from Amazon. It was a first for me & now they're my favorite bracelets.

Then everyone went their separate ways to get all fancy for family pictures. 

All of the grandkids did sooo well! It was supposed to be super hot, but we were in the shade the whole time and the weather felt so nice. I'm dying to get them back! 

We took the pictures where Justin and I were engaged. This selfie was taken right where Justin got down on one knee. <3


Birthday celebration for the two who started it all!! Gordon and Shauna both turned 60 earlier this year and Saturday was the big bday party.

The evening included a Kahoot about Mom & Dad's growing up years, presentation about 1964, tender slideshow, and our Shutterfly book we made for them.

We also did 60 (collective) jumps in the pool!! Maddie decided to take it to the next level and did 60 herself!  

Jourdon, Jacquelyn & their California crew left early the next morning. We squeezed in one last bracelet session before heading to bed. 

My heart was so full after all of that togetherness. We have the best family. The Beans are easy-going, selfless, intentional, and full of love.