
Ending our 2024 Off Season

Wrapping up the end of a perfect summer spent right where we wanted to be!

Maddie had a Christian summer camp program and we got to see her performance.

Pedicures before school started. <3 

Lots of cousin time on the weekends. 

We celebrated THREE years of being married. Don't know how I got so lucky to be with him forever. Three years ago life looked soooo different. We had no idea what was coming our way. I definitely wouldn't have been ready if you had told me what life today looks like. Grateful for a God who gives us one step of life at a time to help us grow and prepare for the next.

Logan's got all sorts of new talents he's pulling out haha. New ticklish spots, words (gaga, mama, dada, rara), waving, squinting his eyes and throwing his head back, clapping his feet together on the floor. He is LIGHT & JOY. 

We saw Erin's classroom one more time the day before school started. It looks AMAZING and she is so ready. Very proud of Ms. Bean.

& threw together a surprise breakfast/celebration when the much anticipated day arrived. <3

From then on out, our days were full of reading good books and watching the Olympics! I don't think I've ever watched so much of the Olympics. I loved it.

The five of us went to the temple on one of our last nights. Wes and Joni watched Logan for us and we came home to these cute gifts from them. Logan is one loved little boy & that Buff Baby rattle is still his favorite toy. 

Liked this section from a study about a broken heart and contrite spirit.

No more baby food for this guy!! Give him all of the waffles, meatballs, and blueberries. He'll eat it all.

We had one last hurrah with the family, Wes, & Joni the day before we flew out. 

& then it was time for father's blessings & off to to the airport... 
Here's our picture from 2023: Anxious, excited, hopeful, trusting that everything, especially baby Bean's delivery would all work out. 

2024: Feeling so grateful to be one year passed the picture above. Wow, we learned a lot and feel a lot more confident, excited, grateful, and still prayerful that this year will be just as great and rewarding as the last. 

Only this time, we got to take a pit stop in Switzerland before heading back to Berlin! We loved you Summer 2024!!!! Here we go Alba year 2. <3