
Angel Travel Baby & Earthly Angels

Logan and I left Berlin at the end of May for one of my best, best friend's wedding! On our last night in Germany, Justin went to his basketball game and I tucked Logan into bed. We'd lowered his crib mattress so it would be all ready when we come back in August. 

The suitcases were weighed (by Justin's arm) and everything was ready to go. One of my favorite things is watching Logan sleep. I love him sooooo much. 

Went outside on our balcony and ate a good German ice cream bar and read my kindle while this sunset lit up the sky. 

Soooo many emotions. I'm so proud of us for doing our first German season. The biggest milestone of the journey was getting Logan here and he made the last months fly by. I can't imagine life without him. 

Justin got home around midnight from his game and we left our apartment at 3 AM for the airport. He got us all checked in and to security. Logan did great and we took off a few hours later. Thankfully, the flight to Amsterdam was pretty empty and our nice French seat mate didn't mind Logan taking up the middle. 

The last time Logan flew was a lot harder. Now, he's more aware and easily entertained by people, the tray table, and the throw up bag. 

In Amsterdam, we got a Dutch breakfast and boarded our plane to AMERICA. 

Justin gave me a blessing the night before and the words earthly angels stuck out to me. We were so blessed throughout the entire travel day and I felt so peaceful about everything. I counted 13 different strangers that helped us until we were out of the SLC airport and with the Blauers. I'm so grateful for good people who help and lift. I know they were answers to my blessing and the prayers of our family. 

My family was in Lake Powell so cute Karen and Cannon brought us home! I love them soooooo much.

I was so out of it by the time we got to Santaquin. Logan went down for a nap and I treated myself to some Costco gems before showering and going to bed. Yes, Costco milk is a gem. I LOVE AMERICAN MILK.

Meeting Julie for lunch just might become an annual thing now. :')

Logan and I had a day and a half to ourselves to start adjusting to the time change. The sweet Blauers invited us up for the best home cooked meal ever and held Logan the whooole time while he was his sweet, sleepy self. I love and missed them. 

Let a summer of Santaquin sunsets and sunrises begin. I'm soooo grateful for them. I love where I grew up.

After a couple good night's sleeps, we got all ready for the main event of the week - Brynn & Jamie's wedding!!