
Brynn's Wedding

Brynn is the best of the best and I was sooo blessed to be her roommate after my mission for one year. The day after we met we found out all of our roommates had COVID. Our ten girl apartment went down to the two of us while everyone left to quarantine. I think those two weeks are what really started our bond. :')

She's my twin in looks, interests, personality, and more. One of my best, best friends and we got to celebrate her and Jamie a few weeks ago!!

My family was still in Lake Powell, but thankfully I had lots of aunts, cousins, and grandparents willing to help with Logan. He was very loved those couple of days.

Beautiful Bountiful Temple. This was my first time back in the temple since March. Soooo much beauty and peace. The mountains surrounding the temple are beautiful and the view of the valley below.

I love weddings because all of my friends gather from near and far! I've missed being with them, but we never skip a beat no matter how long it's been since we were together.

It was the perfect day celebrating them mixed in with seeing family. Mom and Dad drove up to SLC for the reception and they were reunited with their favorite grandson. <3

We love you, Brynn & Jamie!! 


Angel Travel Baby & Earthly Angels

Logan and I left Berlin at the end of May for one of my best, best friend's wedding! On our last night in Germany, Justin went to his basketball game and I tucked Logan into bed. We'd lowered his crib mattress so it would be all ready when we come back in August. 

The suitcases were weighed (by Justin's arm) and everything was ready to go. One of my favorite things is watching Logan sleep. I love him sooooo much. 

Went outside on our balcony and ate a good German ice cream bar and read my kindle while this sunset lit up the sky. 

Soooo many emotions. I'm so proud of us for doing our first German season. The biggest milestone of the journey was getting Logan here and he made the last months fly by. I can't imagine life without him. 

Justin got home around midnight from his game and we left our apartment at 3 AM for the airport. He got us all checked in and to security. Logan did great and we took off a few hours later. Thankfully, the flight to Amsterdam was pretty empty and our nice French seat mate didn't mind Logan taking up the middle. 

The last time Logan flew was a lot harder. Now, he's more aware and easily entertained by people, the tray table, and the throw up bag. 

In Amsterdam, we got a Dutch breakfast and boarded our plane to AMERICA. 

Justin gave me a blessing the night before and the words earthly angels stuck out to me. We were so blessed throughout the entire travel day and I felt so peaceful about everything. I counted 13 different strangers that helped us until we were out of the SLC airport and with the Blauers. I'm so grateful for good people who help and lift. I know they were answers to my blessing and the prayers of our family. 

My family was in Lake Powell so cute Karen and Cannon brought us home! I love them soooooo much.

I was so out of it by the time we got to Santaquin. Logan went down for a nap and I treated myself to some Costco gems before showering and going to bed. Yes, Costco milk is a gem. I LOVE AMERICAN MILK.

Meeting Julie for lunch just might become an annual thing now. :')

Logan and I had a day and a half to ourselves to start adjusting to the time change. The sweet Blauers invited us up for the best home cooked meal ever and held Logan the whooole time while he was his sweet, sleepy self. I love and missed them. 

Let a summer of Santaquin sunsets and sunrises begin. I'm soooo grateful for them. I love where I grew up.

After a couple good night's sleeps, we got all ready for the main event of the week - Brynn & Jamie's wedding!!


End of an Era

Not the end of a huge era, but our May-2024-living-in-Berlin era. I am SO proud of us. What a wild thing it is to say we've lived in Berlin for 9 months and that May has arrived. 

I bore my testimony on Sunday about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. His Atonement is to redeem us from sin and help us become better and change every time we repent and turn to him. His Atonement is also to enable us to become better, stronger, overcome, and endure what we could not alone. 

I've learned and experienced more about the Atonement of Jesus Christ more in these last 9 months than I have in my entire life. I've worked on changing little by little to become a more patient and compassionate person. I've prayed daily to have the strength to do things I could not do on my own. & it's so real! Christ lives and we can use this incredible gift daily in our lives. 

It took time for me to understand, and I have a long way to go, but I'm grateful for the knowledge I know right now for myself. 

So... back to May. <3 

Our fellow Aggie friends were in Berlin and took time to come and say hi!! It made my week.  

With the summer nearing, and our Berlin evenings limited, it was pretty easy reasoning to order our favorite desserts every night haha. 

On May 4, Justin was gone so I only ordered three donuts for myself (haha that's still a lot). But when I opened the box there were FOUR with a happy "May the 4th" note. Bless Brammibals donuts. 

The number of streets and trails around us are endless. This picture happened to be just on the other side of our block. Love the cute European colors and flowering trees.

One of the biggest perks of the time change are our phone calls with Hermana Rowley each Monday!! We get to chat with her while everyone else is asleep. 

The cutest poppies! Except the lawnmower took them out after I debated about picking them and bringing them upstairs. Should've picked them.

We'd driven by this Greek place a few times and decided to check it out. SO yummy. Loved everything we got and the cute, nice owner, Hyatt.

Views driving around town.

The soccer Euro tournament is coming up this summer and it's a big deal. They're building a huge screen to watch the game and covered one of the main roads in Berlin with turf! They're calling it the fan mile and it's right behind Brandenburg Gate. Logan and I took a walk to see the action.

& went through Tiergarten.

Discovered yet another new walk! 

Logan has made the transition to two solid naps during the day. It was about 6:30 and we still had an hour until bedtime to keep Logan awake, so we took a drive to visit Walli. I think it's become tradition to take a mirror pic whenever we go to her apartment.

Sooo proud of this hermana! She's doing so many amazing things and I love her!

& just like that, our last Sunday had arrived. Justin was home and it was so nice to have a Sunday morning together. I love this little family of mine & we loved our month of May. 


We have a SIX month old

We have a six month old on our hands!! Not for much longer. Sweetie baby boy has been with us for half a year and it really is hard to remember life without him. Six months of living selflessly and feeling more love for a little baby than I thought was possible. 

At six months, Logan's been figuring out how to balance sitting up on his own, trying out all of the good German baby food (couscous and spaghetti bolognese are a favorite), sleeping on his tummy, riding in the big boy stroller, and making us laugh day and (sometimes) night. 

I love his personality and couldn't be more grateful he's ours!!

Outdoor seating for breakfast at Distrikt!

Mother's Day

Six month Dr. appointment. 23lbs and lots of centimeters long.

Applying for his residency card! Walli said she felt safer now, knowing Logan was legally registered to live in Berlin. ;)

We loooooooove you, baby boy!