
The Months Before Baby Bean

Writing this post with Logan wrapped up on my chest. I forgot where I left off on blogging. I opened up my "blog" folder in my camera roll and looking at the pictures for this post feels like forever ago! I'm a very different person now - I'm a mom! A lot has happened in the last month and much of it has been refining. I'm still working on writing Logan's birth story and what happened afterwards for my journal then I'll post a modified version here. What a ride.

For now, here is what the moments leading up to Logan looked like. <3

General Conference! Every six months we get to hear from our church leaders. This conference, the theme of families stood out to me. Since we're eight hours ahead of MST, it took us a few days to get through the messages.

I made an Instagram post after this October's conference:

"Filled with lots of emotions from this weekend. The phrase that keeps coming to me as we watch General Conference is 'This is what matters most.'

I know that Jesus Christ matters most. I know as we choose to come closer to Him we will be happier and find more peace and purpose.

& I'm so grateful that He sacrificed His life and was resurrected. Because of Him, I can make covenants with God in the temple and be sealed to Justin and my family forever. That is what matters most to me. I love the Church of Jesus Christ and I know it's true!"

Tradition! Conference cinnamon rolls.

Our Berlin ward is SO good about gathering and connecting through many different avenues (walking group, puzzle group, ladies lunch, etc.) This particular picture was taken after one of our book club meetings. I didn't read a book the first couple of times but was grateful for the added connection to these women.

Malia, April, Tracy, Celia, Walli

This is the view that I saw each time I went to my OB appointments!

Thankful for this small side street to park on. I could always count on this street to have a spot for our baby car. (After lots of prayers too.)

This was October 4. I think I was 34 weeks. Already SO big and no one let me forget it. :')

I was craving American pizza when Justin was on a road trip. Ironic because all of the pizza here is so good and authentic Italian. But that night, Dominos hit the spot. I also started craving all the beverages the last weeks of my pregnancy. Every week, we would buy me my own liters of Sprite, chocolate milk, and orange juice. On top of those, I drank about 200 oz of water a day.

I wish I were still that hydrated!

Justin found some Aggie fans in Ulm, Germany. <3 Tender mercy that they happened to be on a work trip in the same German town where he was playing!

This picture makes me want to cry!

Our amazing, supportive ward came together and helped celebrate our sweet Logan. April was the one to host and put everything together. I wasn't sure what to expect as I put together my invitation list. I had only met these ladies a couple of weeks before. Saying I felt so loved is an understatement. Their love and support has been felt long before this shower happened and it hasn't stopped.

Cute April who hosted.

We have a set of elders and sisters in our ward. We loved having them over weekly and feeling their spirit in our home.

Justin's a chef in the kitchen! On one of our first dates we made honey lime enchiladas in my apartment kitchen. He's come a long way since then ;)

Berlin knows how to do all food right. So many different cuisines! My plate is buttermilk pancakes with a berry syrup and maracuja/toasted marshmallow cream on the side. Their pancakes aren't like in the States, they're actual cakes haha.

During October, I was on the lookout for ANYTHING pumpkin. I had been buying pumpkin baby food and making muffins and cakes. Berlin doesn't know about Utah fall girls and their pumpkin spice obsessions ;) We did find a coffee shop that had pumpkin spice hot chocolate so I made sure to get my fill before November 1 came along.

We've felt sooo loved since moving here with the arrival of baby Logan. So many generous people and basketball fans of Justin. This jacket was gifted by our friend, Lucy. I just need to buy those earmuffs so Logan can come to his games!

Gearing up for the due date!! We put the carseat in the car. I was ready for anything regarding going into labor. I felt pretty prepared mentally if he would've come on his own. My mom was induced with all of her kids though so I knew that was a pretty good possibility too.

When Justin was on his roadtrips, I would pray that Logan wouldn't come that night. I did have some good ward friends on call though incase he decided to make an early debut.

View after one of my last doctors appointments!! My doctor, Alexandra, would see me weekly leading up to Logan's birth date. Finally the week came and she made an appointment for after Logan's induction date. I knew that I would most likely get to cancel that appointment because we would have our baby!!!

In Germany they don't say "we're excited for you to have your baby." It's "we're excited for you to get your baby." Or "you'll go to the hospital on this day and get your baby." It was funny getting used to that wording.

Almost every night we would sit down for dinner and say "This could be the last night it's just the two of us!". We got in some good date nights and one of those included carving our pumpkin we bought from Edeka after a doctor appt.

I also started praying/hoping that each Sunday would be the last I had to go to church because I was so big and this was the only dress that I could wear. This was my second to last Sunday.

When your husband's on a roadtrip and you're 38 weeks pregnant, you break out the Hallmark movies and eat chocolate the first week of November.

Beautiful Berlin! This is about one block from our apartment. Walking hurt. Sitting hurt. But I wanted to get this baby here so I started going on short walks. I'm not sure if it helped or not but it was nice to get out of the apartment.

That's what our last two months looked like before our new addition joined the family!