
Induction Week

At my 12-week prenatal appointment, we heard for the first time, "your baby is about a week ahead of where he should be in his development." One week turned to 10 days, which turned to two weeks.

Before we left Utah, the doctors were debating whether or not they should change my due date. They decided to leave it up to the German doctors.

I got to see lots of doctors throughout my pregnancy with Logan. We had our 7-week appointment in Memphis, the summer in Utah, a glucose test in Oklahoma, and the finale of the pregnancy in Germany. Grateful for the good care we received throughout the nine months.

At my first midwife appointment in Germany, I explained to Dana that we wanted to schedule an induction. I was soo nervous that Justin wouldn't be there for Logan's birth. Hindsight is 20/20. It all worked out.

In Germany they only induce you 10 days after your due date unless it's a medical emergency. We decided to take it a week at a time and see where Logan's development was closer to his due date.

During the weeks to come, my doctors told me, "He's growing so fast; his head is so big; I hope he comes early or you might have to have an elective c-section." I didn't love hearing those words since I knew Logan would have to come on his own or be induced 10 days after his due date.

At my 38 week appointment, the ultrasound showed a big baby boy and my doctor told Justin and I to go to the hospital where we would get another ultrasound and make a plan. Because of Logan's big size, a "medical emergency" was in place and I could get induced early (!!!).

The hospital doctor told us Logan was in the 96 percentile in weight and that the earliest they could induce me was 39 weeks 0 days. That day fell on a Sunday so we scheduled the induction for Monday, November 13. My first thought was darn, I'll have to wear that pink dress one more time to church.

Here's the hallway on the labor and delivery floor.

Leading up to the induction:

One of my closest friends here is our Relief Society president, Angie. She's always offering to help and I know that I can call her for anything. She's my mom here in Germany. That week I needed to walk, so we went on a pretty fall walk.

This is her apartment complex where we met.

Last official date night before baby boy! Justin takes the train to practice and walks by a cute Italian restraunt every day. After a pasta and pizza, we walked to a McDonald's and got fudge sundaes before heading home.

In Logan, McDonald's sundaes were one of our favorite late night outings. <3

Christmas!! Justin brought up getting a Christmas tree. Right now it seems like a no-brainer but a month ago it didn't seem like a priority. I'm glad he kept bringing it up and that we followed through. We ordered our tree, lights, and went to some stores by Kaufland for the ornaments.

We were only at the store for 30 minutes and my back was hurting SO bad. I just stood by our cart outside the store while Justin bought our things so I didn't have to walk.

We got our tree all set up on Friday so we could come home to a cozy Christmas with our baby.

Justin had a home basketball game and I decided to bake one last cake for a little while. It was SO YUMMY. I might make it again today haha. Apple spice cake with brown butter frosting.

Saturday, Justin gave me a pedicure. Partly because I couldn't reach my feet, and partly because he's perfect and a tender husband.

Dana texted us on Sunday morning asking us to come in one hour earlier for our induction the next day. Gladly!!

We got to go to church together which was so nice. Everyone couldn't believe we still hadn't had our baby and I was pleased to tell them he would (hopefully) be arriving the next day. Some members warned me that inductions are different in Germany and just because I was getting induced tomorrow, may not mean we would have our baby that day. It can take up to a week to go into labor with the methods they use... That didn't make me feel great but I knew that everything was in Heavenly Father's hands and it would work out.

Sunday night we prepped our bags, talked about what the next day would look like, and went to bed so excited. It was my last night of normal sleep!

Monday morning:

This is in the waiting room after checking in.

I'll never forget looking at Dana in her pink scrubs and giving her a hug. It was finally time!

A lot of things went like we thought they would with the induction and Logan's birth. A lot of unexpected things happened too. In the end, we saw many tender mercies and our baby boy was delivered from Heaven healthy and safe.

We love you sweet baby Logan!