
Full Heart

I haven't blogged for a little bit. We've been busy! Justin and I were talking the other day about how we've found our little niche in Memphis. Over the last 2.5 months we've made dear friends and memories that have changed us. I'm so grateful for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

The Church is a global church. It is the same everywhere throughout the world. Whether in Utah, Oklahoma, Memphis, or Brazil, you will find the same principles, doctrine, service, and members striving to become like Jesus Christ.

We came to Memphis excited to serve and meet our branch. Every one told us that a branch becomes your family and they're right! No matter how different or similar we are from those at church, we love Jesus Christ and we're trying to become more like Him. That's what ties us together. I love my Savior.

I visited Courtlyn while I was in Utah and saw this picture hanging on her wall.

I didn't stop thinking about that picture until I walked out of Walmart with several prints in my hand.

We are all children of God.

During Justin's basketball practice, his coach handed everyone a piece of paper and a pencil. He then asked everyone to write down who they are - their identity.

Justin immediately wrote down his answer. I am a child of God.

Yes, he's an athlete, basketball player, husband, brother, son, and so on, but our #1 identity is a child of God.

That's how He wants us to see ourselves and others. Smile at a stranger today! Ask them how they're doing. Text someone you love and tell them.