
Summer Moments

When I think of summer I think of snow cones, windows rolled down, country music, late nights in the backyard, soccer, & just being so happy! Lots of little moments that make the months memorable.

This has been a summer of flights. Never have I ever flown so much in 3 months... or downloaded so many flight apps to store miles.

CHI->UT->CHI->OK->UT->OK->LAX->UT-> LAS->OK->UT. We took our last plane ride for a bit now that we'll be driving to our new home!

We've gotten to spend so much time this summer with both of our families & it really has been the best to grow relationships & make core memories.

Temple trips!

Doctrine & Covenants 109:22 - When we leave the temple, we leave with God's power, His name, His glory, and His angels around us. All of those things combined for me = His peace. I feel that every time I leave one of His temples.

Driving home with the windows rolled down, listening to good music, singing out the windows.

Sunday concert in the Payson park

We got to sneak up to Logan for 24 hours and see these two people. President and Sister Horsley led my mission when I was a missionary in São Paulo, Brazil. They finished their 3 year service and gave their homecoming talks in our old Logan ward!

These two are my heroes in so many ways. I knew that I wanted to have a marriage like theirs as I watched them serve together in Brazil. They love one another and love God with their whole hearts. We had our mission reunion the night before their Sunday report and I loved listening to their counsel for us.

  1. Always remember Him

  2. Live in the present

  3. Pay the price to receive personal revelation

  4. Trust in the process

  5. Keep the commandments & the rest is Jesus Christ

This picture was taken after our Christmas party in 2019 in front of the Visitors' Center. All of the sisters who served there, senior missionaries, Visitors' Center Director & his wife, President & Sister Horsley. Listening to them speak really brought me back to my mission and reminded me how grateful I am for the experiences I had and people I met because of my mission.

Justin and I would drive by the Logan temple every Sunday after church before we went home. Had to continue the tradition before we left Logan <3

Summer wouldn't be summer without a Karrie Anne's gelati! We decided the shave ice and custard wasn't as good as we remembered, but we have too many good memories here with friends that will keep us coming back.

We watched our cousin, Sam give his missionary talk as he gets ready to head to Ecuador in a few weeks. Such a powerful talk on conversion & listening to the Spirit through good friends. We love you, Sam!!

Being home means seeing lots of familiar faces! Scott is my Physics teacher from high school. He lost a bet to me before my mission because I didn't meet Justin soon enough... He bet that I would get married after my freshman year at USU and I told him that I was set on going on a mission.

Justin waited for me ;) and Scott still has our contract hanging in his classroom.
Santaquin Rodeo... I love those mountains!!!

aaaaand we made it back to Santaquin just in time to see the end of this year's cherry season. We pick cherries around the clock here for the month of July. I grew up working day shift with my cousins during our elementary/jr. high years. When we hit high school we all moved to night shift so we could go to our soccer practices & student council meetings during the day. It's a busy time of year but I'm grateful for the memories I have with my cousins.

Justin needs to learn how to drive a tractor before he'll be a real "farm boy"... We still have some time!

Love you, summer!!