
#1 Anniversary

We were with friends last night (all newlywed couples), talking about how time seems to move so much faster when you're married. When Justin and I were dating, each month seemed like such a milestone. Now that we're married, each month is still a baby milestone, but they seem to come faster & we don't go out to celebrate every time ;)

A couple of weeks ago, we celebrated our 12th month of being married. Happy anni, Justin! In some ways I can't believe it's been a year and in other ways the time seems real. My Uncle Dave sent me this picture he took at our reception that popped up in his memories. Our sibling dance we choreographed and taught the night before! I loved that night. & that day!!

We learned so much this year..

How to communicate and trust one another when hard times came. How to balance crazy, fluid schedules. How to put basketball & work & school aside when we're home. We learned what it means to pick an agency that will help you in your basketball journey. How to spend lots and lots of time apart during workouts and trainings. The best times to FaceTime and talk during that time apart.

We've grown closer to one another and closer to God. & we've especially learned how blessed we are to have our amazing families and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I've thought many times how grateful I am that I don't know step by step what's going to happen in my life. I would worry too much & get too stressed.

This year ESPECIALLY I've truly learned to live day by day. I don't worry about what's going to happen next week or next month. I plan the best I can and just live today. I set goals have hopes but I also have a greater awareness that plans can and will change and that's okay.

As long as I have Justin I can do it. We can do it!

Since we're in Utah, we celebrated with a dinner to Tucanos. It was yummy & I appreciated the Portuguese menu. :')

A few days ago, we got to sneak away to Midway for a little overnight trip. I had told Justin how much I loved Midway and it was fun to show it to him before we leave Utah. It's the cutest little Swiss-themed town & the landscape is BEAUTIFUL.

We drove to the top of Memorial Hill to watch the sunset. So, so pretty.

We saw some cows & ate more good food. It was the perfect trip.

Another highlight was tennis... We've talked about taking tennis lessons and learning how to play together! We did it backwards that night. We haven't learned yet, but we played for a couple of hours and it was so fun.

We tried our best to hit the ball semi-accurately while the court next to us had some seniors playing who looked like professionals.

One day, we'll get those lessons in. :)

Happy, happy one year to us. We've got eternity to go & I'm so grateful it's with you. xoxo