
Mom and Dad Visit Berlin

I found this picture of my parents on my mom's phone. Finishing a temple session in the Provo temple before it's renovated this year. <3 Before leaving the States, we had talked and it felt like a given that my parents would come and help us when Logan was born. That's how much I know they love me! I didn't even consider them not coming because I knew they would.

But I sure underestimated how much those 16 days with them would mean to me. They really were sacred days. Having my parents in Germany was one of the greatest gifts I've ever received.

This picture makes me tear up. I love them!! & miss them.

Angie picked up Mom from the airport. Again, I'm so grateful for Angie. I told her if she had other things come up, not to worry about having to cancel on picking up Mom. She told me, I would never cancel on you. That's the kind of person she is and the kind of person I want to be.

I was tracking Mom on her iPhone, eagerly awaiting her arrival. I peeked through the window and saw her and Angie walking through our courtyard. We had one of the best hugs and then she got to meet baby Logan!

We had so much fun from the get go - despite the jet lag and time change. I could talk to my mom for hours. I do haha. I love cooking with her, sharing good books, work outs, and everything in between. She wasn't supposed to get to Berlin until one week later but changed her flight which I believe was inspired by the Holy Ghost (& an excited new grandma :). Lots of tender mercies because she changed her flight.

Dad arrived a few days later. I love talking to Dad on the phone. He's a great listener and gives the best counsel. Since living in Germany, I've grown closer to both of my parents through phone and FaceTime calls. I don't take those for granted and appreciate technology so much more. Grateful that the world can feel a little smaller. <3

Dad loves babies and little kids and they love him! I was so excited for him to meet Logan.

Mom flew in a couple of days before Thanksgiving (& her birthday!!). We ended up spending that day in the hospital and got take out for our Thanksgiving dinner. We decided to have a Thanksgiving re-do and made the best meal this kitchen will ever see. Justin insisted on having stuffing (which Germany doesn't have), so he made it from scratch! A chef, I'm telling you.

Turkey (+ chicken)

Mashed potatoes and gravy

Sweet potato casserole with pecans



Walnut fruit salad

Olives & pickles

Pumpkin bundt cake with vanilla sauce

Not too bad for a German/U.S. Thanksgiving dinner. :)

We found a good balance of sightseeing and staying inside. I gave Mom and Dad our list of places to visit and they would leave for a few hours each day checking things off of the list and coming back with pictures to show us. They've seen more of the city than we have now!

His first official "fun" outing (not to a doctor or hospital), was Italian food!

Europe's funny and it costs more to buy water at dinner than it does a soft drink. Justin and I have gotten into the habit of just bringing our water bottles when we go out. At the restaurant, the waiter came up to us and said, "No bottles on the table, put them on the ground." I guess he didn't want other customers getting the same idea... haha

Grandma and Grandpa Rowley had the tradition of making chocolate houses the day after Thanksgiving. I did it every year growing up. Now that they've passed away, the chocolate house molds have been distributed and we get to do it with my immediate family each year.

Aunt Sherilee gave Mom and Dad the idea to bring some chocolate and the molds to Germany for us. We got to make our chocolate houses and enjoy them for the month of December!

I've told Mom multiple times about Kaufland. It's a Walmart type of store that has more variety and larger quantities than the other grocery markets. Mom and I rode the tram to pick up our car from where it was charging and headed to Kaufland!

It might sound silly, but every time I drove to Kaufland since we moved here, I had imagined driving there with my mom and pointing different things out to her during the drive. That turned into a reality and we listened to Christmas music on the way home.

Did a little photoshoot in front of our blue wall.

Mom stayed a couple of days after Dad left. He flew to Michigan for a big expo that he was presenting at before heading home.

The last thing on our to-do list was Spaghetti Eis. Justin stayed with Logan and we headed to the mall to get our gelato. It was all decked out for Christmas and looked BEAUTIFUL. We found some cute Christmas decorations at a little souvenir shop too.

Yummy, yummy, yummy. If you're reading this and you come and visit us, we will get spaghetti eis for you.

Logan and I helped Mom pack her bags and all of the souvenirs (treats) from Kaufland.

And just like that, 16 days were over and this room was empty again. I cried the next morning after Justin took Mom to the airport at 3 AM. Bless him. It meant the world to me that my parents could come and stay with us for so long.

& that Natalie and Andrew would be willing to let them come for so long! I love them too <3

The best memories were made and I can't wait to do it again!!