
The First 4th in Los Angeles

We're here! We made it to California, but only for a little bit. We'll be back for good in August. woohoo!

Last week we flew into LA so Justin could meet his summer league team and get ready to play in Las Vegas next week. I'm excited to watch him play again! It's been too long. I'm so glad we get to be here in California. I grew up coming to Southern California on vacation with my family. Even though Los Angeles is a lot different than Newport Beach, the palm trees and ocean only hold good memories. Justin & I feel a lot of peace knowing this will be our home for the next little bit & we're excited!!

We've been staying in a hotel with no car. The only exploring we've been able to do has been on foot and with a few Uber drives. I love being so close to the ocean! & the flowers here are beautiful. Tons of natural beauty growing thanks to the California climate.

We're right across the street from the Honey Training Center, where Justin practices. He's met a lot of the guys on both NBA and G League teams. He's so ready for this new chapter of basketball and to be on a team again.

The neighborhoods in the area are beautiful with parks scattered all over. We went to dinner one night in this cute area before heading to the beach (!!).

Venice Beach was the closest to our hotel. We caught the sunset & played some Farkle by the ocean. I couldn't stop smiling to be at the beach again.

I won't be able to say it enough. I LOVE seeing the palm trees everywhere. They remind me of family time & vacations.

Spontaneity. Something I want to be better at & something I love about Justin.

He came home from basketball Thursday night and said there were no practices over the holiday weekend. He then proceeded to ask me, "Do you want to go to Disneyland?" It was a close drive & we did it! We shared our July 1st with thousands of our closest friends at Disneyland.
Justin loves rollercoasters & we had never been on any together. One of my favorite parts of the whole day was sitting by him on Space Mountain. I haven't laughed & screamed that hard in so long. It was such a fun day to be together and make some core, Disney memories.

We only lasted 11 hours in the park - we weren't feeling too hardcore. Ha! I don't know how people go multiple days in a row to the parks. My legs were dead and we didn't make it to the fireworks but we were happy with our day.

We walked to church on Sunday and everyone in the ward we visited was so welcoming! It made me super excited to see what our future ward will be like once we move. If Justin gets the two-way contract, we might have to move to Playa Vista to see everyone again.

Our sister-in-law Jacquelyn, is from Temecula, California. Her family was so nice & invited us to spend the 4th of July with them. We spent the day at Zuma Beach in Malibu. The weather was perfect & we had so much fun with the Jacobsens. We only wish Jourdon & Jacquelyn could have been there too!

An intense bocce ball course was built and many attempts were made to catch seagulls. None were caught but it made for good entertainment.

We did some Fourth of July trivia at the beach and learned that John Adams was the one who proposed fireworks and parades be the way to celebrate our Independence Day.

I've always loved the 4th of July. Parades, flags, homemade Root Beer, & fireworks. I am so grateful for the freedoms that we have and the people who continue to fight and protect those freedoms. There are a lot of negative views being published over the news and social media about politics and opinions in our country but it's important to remember what we do have.

We had a good BBQ in the evening and were introduced to Spicy Farkle before heading out to see some fireworks. Such a blessing to have been with Jacquelyn's family! It was perfect & we couldn't have had a better day.

Nothing more American than watching fireworks in the bed of a truck :') I felt right at home!

Bye, California! Next time we see you, we'll be moving here for good!