
Our Wagner Family Reunion

Family is a special thing. I've gone to family reunions for my Rowley and Wagner sides for as long as I can remember. Some of the best memories I've made! Justin's family is added in there too now :) Each reunion brings together a different group of people and every time it's so good and happy.

I forget how much I miss being around everyone. We stay connected through social media and occasional family dinners/Lake Powell trips but there's something special about being all together for days at a time.

As I get older, I realize it's a sacrifice to make time to attend, and I really admire my older cousins who make that time. We're all busy in different stages of life with lots of responsibilities, but I love how we gather each year & make it a priority to be together.

This year, I flew from LA to Utah while Justin headed to Vegas to get ready for his summer league tournament. He came to the Wagner reunion last year when we were engaged. It was so fun for me to introduce him to everyone and see how perfectly he fits with all of those people I love.

Lots of missing faces here, but so much fun to reconnect with everyone! We gathered in from Oregon, Idaho, LA, and all over Utah.

My favorite part of these reunions are the conversations I have throughout the day. We all get to catch up on life, family, school, work, & everything in between. By the end of it, I felt so uplifted & grateful for such good people in my life.

"What" we do doesn't change much from year to year because it's just fun! We played lots of yard games, including 9 square and water battleship.

Lots of pickleball

Beaded string to make bracelets, necklaces, anklets, rings, etc. etc.

Shared meals & recipes, (thanks Jessie!) together

Enjoyed the cute great-grandkids!! It's so fun to have babies around again.

Celebrated Whitney & her baby boy <3 I love Whitney! She's been one of my closest cousins. We've been pen pals since we were little & I've had more sleep overs with her than anyone else.

& lots more 9 square

Took in the good views.

We could see 3 temples from where the yard looks out over Utah Valley: Oquirrh Mountain, Jordan River, & Draper

& this year we got to celebrate Grandma's birthday. I love my grandparents so much. They give everything they have for the Gospel of Jesus Christ & their family.

The OG Wagners :')

Spouses included - missing Glen!

Our last night we had a little testimony meeting. Grandpa and Grandma talked about miracles, prayer, and how our Heavenly Father loves us so much.

We got to hear from Ben, who's leaving in a few days for his mission in Milwaukee & James, who just returned from Panama.

My oldest cousin Taylor, wrote a hymn that's become our family hymn. Taylor played it on the guitar as we sang the three versus that testified of prayer. I can't choose a favorite verse or line, I love it all! It was a special meeting and the Spirit was so strong.

Then it was time to pack up and head home.

I loved this scripture I read about God's purpose for us. We're here to become like Him. To learn how to live "in a higher and holier way". This happens through our earthly experiences & including family in those experiences makes life so much sweeter.