

When Justin and I stopped in Florence last May, we were only in the city for a few hours before our excursion left for Pisa. We didn't really get the full experience. So many people have told me how much they love Florence. I was excited to spend some more time in that city. 

The drive through Tuscany was beautiful! Acres of vineyards, farms, and rolling olive groves spread as far as the eye could see. Tiny villages and towns built into the sides of mountains and down in valleys. I'm so glad we got to see that part of Italy as we drove. 

Pulling into Florence was a lot different than Rome. We felt like we had space to breathe and it was so nice being in a smaller city. We were both pretty giddy for the next adventure. 

The famous Florence Duomo. So beautiful. We walked around it, pausing to look at the amazing colors and architecture.

Stopped at Eduardo's to get our daily gelato fix.

It was a little chilly, so we popped into some stores to shop around. Lindt and Eataly!

I hadn't been to Eataly since we were in Chicago! A super cozy store with CUTE pasta. Yep, you heard me right. Cute, colored, tiny pasta that I wouldn't eat. Just put on my counter for display. 

Our little, cozy buddy. Logan was amazing!! The stroller did pretty great too. Grateful the wheels and basket haven't broken yet going over all of that cobblestone.

After going inside a highly recommended restaurant, we realized we weren't the typical crowd that for that atmosphere. We left before Logan could pull off the white tablecloth and glasses off the fancy table and onto the red carpet. 

This ristorante was more our style - and Logan's. Our waiter loved Logan. After he wrapped up our leftover pizza, he held out his arms, picked up Logan, and kissed him on the cheek. Ha! 

This was also my favorite meal. The lasagna was incredible & I would go back in a heartbeat.

The wind died down the next day, and after a drizzly morning, the sun came out! We walked through Boboli Gardens and it was beautiful. It felt like we were the only ones there.

To get to the other side of the garden we trekked up this massive trail, tag-teaming the stroller. The view was better and better the more we climbed. The entire garden was so beautiful!

We were rewarded with this view when we reached the top. Such a pretty city. The weather and fall leaves made it feel like a calm, cozy day in the gardens.

Then it was back into the city to find some more good food & see Ponte Vecchio. An iconic bridge in Florence with dozens of jewelry stores. Here's a view as we finished walking across.

An outside view of the bridge.

My other favorite meal of the whole trip!! I think Instagram has made this shop famous because it was quite the line and operation to get these babies secured. 

Classic Caprese Italian sandwich & one with ham, cream, and pistachio cream. YUMMY.

More strolling around. We FaceTimed Dad and showed him where we were. He served his mission in Portugal and said the narrow streets and sidewalks looked very similar.

One more of Ponte Vecchio. We passed a man's watercolor booth set up near the bridge with originals he had painted earlier that week. One of them is hanging up in our apartment now. <3

Our Google Maps took us through some windy roads and beautiful neighborhoods to get to Piazzale Michelangelo - the best view you can get in Florence! 

Groves and groves of olive trees.

Beautiful Florence - the Duomo and Ponte Vecchio all in one picture. 

Took a very unique route and narrow roads to get to our gelato place before heading back to our airbnb (Tessa's place).

Parking lot was full, but thankfully in Europe it's common to stop in the middle of the road and throw on your hazards. No one even bats an eye. 

Another fun memory - On the way home we saw two missionaries walking down the road. At our stop light we yelled "Elders!" out the window. They didn't look up until we yelled "Anzianos!". We told them they were awesome and kept going. Amazing to see missionaries all over the world serving and gathering Israel.


Berlin & Rome - 12 days with Mom!

I can't believe I get to write about the following pictures. <3 I remember sitting in the dark on the front porch in Santaquin like it was yesterday. Looking at a map, brainstorming where we could visit, how and when we would do it. 

After hours (and months) of searching for Airbnbs, excursion activities, train timetables, flight deals, and everything in between, Logan and I got to pick Mom up at the Berlin airport. I was soooo happy we were able to squeeze in some Berlin time amidst our trip plans. 

The fall weather has just began and the sun was shining while we walked through Tiergarten. 

It was truly one of the best mornings of my life. Walking around the city, shopping, and hanging out with my mom & Logan. We missed Justin while he was away in Turkey for a tournament!

Some of the best "souvenirs" from the U.S. I love fall candles!! 

Logan was pretty happy to see his grandma & crawled behind her everywhere she went in the apartment.

We got some essential travel snacks and turned in early for the night before our adventure began. 

We woke up, loaded up the car and boarded our Wizz flight for ROME! Over the next days we would drive from Rome-Florence-Pisa-Cinque Terre-Lake Como-Lugano.

Somehow all of those people fit on that plane and our legs paid for it haha. Minimal legroom. We were just grateful to leave on time and that Logan fell asleep during takeoff. 

Beautiful Mediterranean view while landing.

Our first stop was the Rome Temple Visitors' Center. I was here May of last year with Justin. Our short visit was one of the highlights of our cruise. It was incredible being back with baby Logan and Mom. 

The grounds were beautiful, as always, and had us in awe. The peaceful Spirit there is so strong.

We learned that this olive tree and three others were transplanted to the temple grounds during construction. They are 400-500 years old! I had no idea olive trees lived so long. There's a grove near the temple with a tree that dates back to when Christ was on the earth.

The carpet in the temple and visitors' center represent olive leaves. The temple is in an oval shape to represent the olive. Lots of symbolism.

We toured around for almost two hours with a couple of sweet sister missionaries from Northern Italy & Salt Lake, UT. 

The stain glass mural is one of the most amazing things I've seen. Over 100 symbolic parables and meanings taken from the scriptures are represented in the artwork.

Logan was happy to roam around freely without any carseat, airplane, or stroller restrictions. He followed us all over during the visit.

This visitors' center resembles where I served in São Paulo. The murals, wallpaper, and scriptures are all identical. Brought me back to that special time when I was a missionary.

The visitors' centers have certain videos that are only available there. There's one about The Family Proclamation that I watched multiple times a day in Brazil. I hadn't seen it in almost five years! As a 19-year-old, far away from home and missing my family, this video has a special place in my heart. 

I got to watch it and then testify that families can be together forever over and over. Grateful to finally watch it with some of my eternal family.

My favorite room. <3 It's hard to stand there and not get emotional. There is no denying the power of the Holy Ghost I felt in that room staring at the Savior. 

We walked around outside some more, reluctant to leave. It was the best way to start our week & I was so grateful to be on temple grounds. 

Let the week of pasta and pizza begin!!

& finding Pam Marketplaces to shop for our breakfast groceries. 

We decided with Logan and our schedule, renting a car would be best for the situation. I read discouraging Google reviews about driving in Italy (Rome especially) with some positive ones sprinkled in there. 

We were hopeful & thankful that Germany had prepared me a little for the crazy Italian roads! But how cool to drive through intersections like these:

And to be driving around a corner when suddenly the COLOSSEUM is in front of you! It was so surprising and funny in the moment. We were driving around Rome together. <3 

We had the first time slot to see the Colosseum and getting there first thing totally paid off. Space to walk with Logan & enjoy the grandness of that wonder of the world.

Everything was picking up as we were leaving and we happily made our way against the flow of tourists back to the car. 

& up lots of steps like these!! By day two, we were pretty good at navigating the stroller up and down stairs.

Headed over to St. Peter's Basilica! This is when Logan started gaining popularity and people would discreetly smile and talk about him, or come over and just touch his face while speaking Italian. 

It was so out of the blue compared to Germany and the U.S. People liked seeing babies! There weren't too many out touring Rome.

At the time, I was just trying to find the cheapest tickets to get into the Basilica. We went with a guided tour & now I know we're not guided tour people haha. 

It was hot, Logan wasn't too happy, and it was pretty crowded. After seeing a bit of the Basilica we left our group and decided the self-guided route was a much better pace. 

Cherub baby + cherub Logan 

Grabbed our first gelato of the week and took to the cobblestone streets across the city.

The Pantheon

Trevi Fountain

Look at all of these people!! We were surrounded by people all day long. I wish we could've had name tags to see where everyone was visiting from. We heard all sorts of languages and even though we didn't talk to many people, it was draining to be in crowds like that all day!

Spanish Steps

We took a quieter route back to the car & returned to our cute Airbnb to rest & get ready for our next travel day to Florence.